Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Shur’ all this much talked of housing crisis is in big towns and cities.
Paddy on the acre site with the robot mower, the massive island, electronic gates etc. isn’t whinging and moaning.
On the issue of England’s green and fertile land well have a long look at every aspect of their lives and lifestyles…When they joined the Common Market in 1973 there were 500k viable farms in the UK - today there are just above 150k. That’s 350k farm families either wiped out or forced into urban ghettos.
You’d advocate for city living in let’s say Bradford or the likes of it.


I’m not saying everyone should be in apartments Moore housing estates connected to a village or a town. You could invest in faculties for the youth as opposed to spending fortune taring roads around the countryside.

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Tenaments is the answer


I’m not just saying city living. I’m more focused on taking houses off the side of the road and getting people to build and live close to or in villages or towns.

Anybody who has no real reason to be building on the side of the road is mental imo. If you have kids it’s very selfish as you’ll be dropping them everywhere for at least 17 years and it’s isolating too.

Also I’d say the arse will fall out of the value of the houses because more and more young people are starting to think like me. Nobody will want these houses in a few years.

My regeneration plans for the Offaly boglands with the creation of 4 Supermax detention centres has failed to gain the required support so I’ll have to let it drop for now. Just think of the spin-offs in supports……

I’m merely the ideas man, there should be enough qualified heads here to steer it home.


Thing is more often than not everyone is absolutely sound but if you end up attached to a house thats involved in serious anti-social behaviour who are renting via HAP. You don’t have a leg to stand on. Its rare enough probably but it is a real risk in a good part of Limerick city especially if you consider a 40 year period where your neighbours will change multiple times. Outside of the more expensive areas obviously. Its not the case there.

If your neighbours are mad out the country, you don’t have to see them or hear them. That’s the difference.

When farmers are forced to rewild ten percent of their land well see how smart fellas feel living on acre sites. It’s ridicule really.

If it wasn’t for humans the earth would be in great shape.

I’m noddyling my head here in agreement with @BruidheanChaorthainn

Its a military exercise now to hunt a few cattle down the road with all the gaps and gates to be covered off.

A lot of people then who move out from towns dont even know what parish they are in and don’t really get rural life, Slurry, Silage, Cattle being hunted etc.



I’ll never get my head around it at all.

A great opportunity for a speculator to create a property portfolio. It’s an established fact that there will always be a demand for houses and the prices are unlikely to tumble like 15 years ago.
2 tips for you to invest in: Bricks & mortar and land. The land one is a nap, they’re not making it anymore.

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If a tree fell on earth, and there were no humans here to lament its destruction by man, would it really have fallen?

Both woeful Investments in Ireland anyway.

If the climate keeps warming up then farmers won’t be able to produce the crops they can right now and land values will tumble very quickly.

Be grand for children to be able to walk to the pitch, shop, school too. Rather than be stuck depending on lifts.

Its a cultural thing though with so much social housing in villages, no one else wants to live there.


If you’re within a couple of miles of the pitch, school, shop etc - they can walk or cycle handy out sure.

You’d get run over fairly quickly by a one on her phone driving an suv.

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Ah shtop :joy:

That’s it. It’s always about the youth and the next generation. Being able to walk to the pitch or school is unreal when you are young.


1:43 in Parish quiz on Kilmarnock @iron_mike and @balbec get a shout out

Some do, some arent allowed by parents.

As a general point though it’d be handier if they could walk.

Too many Irish villages have been completely neglected and are now no more than crossroads.

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