Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Top spec motors Cork
AKA Bawn motors

Sure we had that established months back.


What’s this lad on about?

A young @balbec in the second pic - in from the country on his horse and trap.

O’Connell St looks fantastic in the old pictures.
N’awful pity what was allowed happen to it.

Unreal. They fucked it up altogether.

Is the white building on the right where the rugby museum is going or is it the chicken hut corner ?

Chicken Hut … Museum will be roughly where the pic is taken from.

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I see that now, is that the same O’Mahony’s, the book shop?
Location looks wrong. That would make that strip where the Savins, the george hotel and AIB are now?

O’Mahony’s across from the Chicken hut … could be same family tho.

O’Connell street as it is now isn’t the worst main street in a city by any stretch.

Almost all City centres are destroyed now with the ugly facades.

If you look above the glass, o’Connell street is quite striking

Yeah - the bastard retailers over the years ruined it with shitty, cheap fronts … If Limerick had kept most of the Georgian facade and also it’s medieval walls it would have been some City … Anyway, its people are its real jewel in the crown

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If you take the parochialism out of it, the people are always the most interesting part of any place.

Except Galway City. Joyless bastards

William street appears to be one of the ugliest streets imaginable but if you look up it’s a smashing street


They destroyed it … a glorious street.

Ya it would be easy enough fix these places with a few bob and cooperation from retailers. Get rid of all the gaudy plastic signs and you’d be a long way towards it


Thomas Street is my favourite street in town. The bit of pedestrianisation makes it at the end. The trees are lovely touch and then you’ve the old buildings. A lovely street

Retail parks have fucked the city centre