Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Correct. An in-law would be one of them. Do we actually know what has been decided yet or not?

Have to say that I think it’s a lovely building

Is it finished?

I’ll be honest - it looks better than I thought it would. Not that I’ll ever be stepping foot in it.

It’s being kitted out inside, should be open for the summer.

reminds me of this. Willie O’Dea wouldn’t want to be going in a cavalcade in front of it


Finest building in Limerick city centre tbf

this is really but it’s a matter of taste


No offence but you’ve a smattering of uninformed, unoriginal, social media inspired talking points that you feel make you some sort of an authority. They’re no substitute for personality or insight.
Instead of relying on meaningless insults you’d do far better by basing your opinions on something genuine and substantial. These anti-vax and pr- putin fallbacks are the refuge of idiots.


it’s like a young lad who’s heard his parents discussing something then goes out and tells it to the lads. Right lads, this is how sex works… gather round

True but we need more of them to populate our rural GAA teams. Unless your local village happens to benefit from the building of a few nice housing estates.

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I’d be all ears. Maybe I’ve been too harsh on the child

I don’t really on social media for any opinions. You can cherry pick any five of your posts and know you are spoofer.


Thats exactly my point.

We need more private housing estates in our villages. It would be far better to keep the village shop and pub going than 10 or 12 individual houses randomly built all around the place.


But we’d be much better off with more housing estates built to a high spec than houses either side of the road for three miles with people driving cars to the shop, sports, work and whatever else to their local village.

The benefits are endless.

No surprise to see a few posters resort to abuse and personal insults when somebody else has a different opinion or vision for the future of our country.


If the two young chaps posting here are a glimpse into our future we are unequivocally fucked lads

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Massive issue with obesity too in Ireland so instead of being driven to school kids would be able to walk or cycle.

The benefits are endless.

The day of the two cars, football pitch sized lawn and a trophy house are surely numbered and rightly so.

It makes no sense and there’s little or no benefits either.

It’s your generation with closed minds and a refusal to make simple changes to your life to benefit the greater good is what has us in this mess.

Don’t be blaming the youth of today.

If everybody makes a little change to their life style the benefit overall would be massive.

You’ll always have to deal with the awkward squad I guess.