Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Gas cunts werenā€™t they & two lads behind a counter :joy:

The places that are left donā€™t open full hours anymore.

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Erm, no there isnā€™t. Thereā€™s one pub open full time, Finnā€™s. Matt of the Cross of Pallas is gone too.

Itā€™ll be interesting alright I havenā€™t thought about it. Iā€™d assume more people go to nursing homes nowadays than before and there seems to be some retirement communities popping up as well.

Itā€™s must be very difficult for somebody older in the countryside who doesnā€™t drive.

There could be 7 of them in there and theyā€™d take it in turns to serve customers :grinning:

You havenā€™t addressed anything in any of my posts, youā€™ve simply relied on the anti-vax etc fallbacks.
Are you the right person to be calling anyone a spoofer?


I stopped in twice Iā€™d say and as you said, it was like a Borris Gaa AGM

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Iā€™m hearing a local syndicate are buying the Ragg.

Yeah best if luck to them trying to get a return on that investment

Kilmarnock ffs

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So theres two and there was 3 up to a year ago? The Clodagh was open until recently enough i thought.

Youā€™d think thereā€™d be a couple more.

3 shops is a lot - usually would be more pubs than shops so its an odd one.

Pfizer, Cook medical, J and J for the few working in labs. Few working as teachers in nearby schools. A marketing consultant who mostly works from home married to a physiotherapist working in the local hospital. An electrician and his partner who runs a thriving Salon in the local town. Few examples that Iā€™ve completely made up on the spot and plucked from thin airšŸ˜‚

I drove through ballymacoda yesterday and by god was it one sorrowful place. The few businesses that were there are gone.

Working for a group in Rathgormack tbf.

Pity to see it go. Smashing food.

Aul Donal was a gent.

What are they going to turn it into?

They kept it open & itā€™s going well.

Iā€™ve been there a few times recently. A ghost town. One night over Christmas there was 2 of us and then 3 others in the whole place.


Used to draw great clientele one time.

Pubs are fucked

Thatā€™s a shame. Very homely spot. They get through some amount of roast beef on a match day.

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