Even more mayhem regarding Limerick


They do a decent breakfast.

A bit before my time, but my understanding is that Kranks was excellent initially, became an institution, then went to shit over time.
Also possible it was always shit and food standards just rose around it. The fucking shite some chippers used to slop out for years and get away with was unbelievable. T’internet and reviews and that have put paid to the most of the gangsters now

Kranks was never anything other than ok. You wouldnt go in unless you were steamed to the gills

Ex-chippers, in a lot of cases.

D’auld fella was mad for Kranks. I could never see the attraction. That unit has gone through a fair few incarnations since then.

You threw up some nostalgia and then fellas started getting nostalgic for their own youth, when everything was better of course

The pub scene was definitely better 15-20 years ago. Pubs would be rammed on Friday and saturday nights. You’re lucky now it theres 5 or 6 busy pubs on a saturday night in limerick

I was wondering who’d go there … I had Balbec down for it.

Remember the 80s night in the George on a Friday night. Cracking night out.

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Is Enzo’s open at the moment?

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They were cunts at the door. Strictly over 23s (depending on the bouncer)

My mother worked in an office on Cecil Street in the early 90s and I remember getting savage curry chips and chicken out of Kranks back then

Not being funny mate, but maybe you are going to the wrong pubs?

I never had any bother going in there to be honest and I was a very young looking 18/19 year old. Massive place inside there. Shite enough.

Very possible. I’d have a route formed through years of experience and wouldn’t deviate too much :joy:

Tbh pal that’s not true. Most pubs in the city centre would be fairly busy at the weekend. Certainly a lot more than 5 or 6!

As busy as they used to be? You’d be wedged in everywhere back in the day. You’d get a seat now in most places on a Saturday night for fuck sake

I was in the old quarter back around christmas and there were free tables on a saturday night. The other side of town was busier, up around flannerys

Not my style kid

Teds on a Monday night

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It did that up to the 60’s . There were called tenements. You can still live in parts of Mallow Street in original Georgian buildings. You’d pick one up fierce handy. I cant understand a fella so interested in Georgian heritage not picking one up and living there instead of a modern area like Douglas in Cork. It must break your heart…

This was your first mistake.

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