Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Red van man :joy: he’ll fucking love that. Actually I just had a look and he’s shared it on his page :joy:

The leader are gone to fuck altogether.

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So the white vans take away children and the red vans deliver pints.


There’ll be lads chasing after red vans all over limerick now

I’d think twice before chasing a red Toyota Hiace anyway.


I thought all the Guinness went back to Dublin.

Gerry O’DEA “sure the pints would be spilled by the time he gets there”

I’m not sure Gerry grasps it.

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I missed that :joy:

What a thick cunt

Should have rebuilt the walls and locked it from the outside

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Peg it outta the pub with 2 pints, drive five miles through traffic with 2 pints in the coffee cup holders. Be grand.

Red Van good
White Van bad

Drinking culture good
Culture bad

Happy birthday ROD.


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First Eamonn, now Gerry.

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Sounds like Mr McCarthy had an unfortunate accident in custody.

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He might not have been in the best of form after been arrested at 3am.

Wonder is he related to Smokey Costello who killed Keiran Keane

I seen that, it’s normally around 7am when they launch raids on houses to carry out arrests. :smile:

Clearly didn’t want to let him have an auld lie-in. He must have been like a cunt when a load of heavily armed Gardaí stormed his gaff and presumably gave him a few clips for his troubles.

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