Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Its the god given right of any Limerick person to double park anywhere. I worked with a lad from Dublin who said he’s never seen the likes of the carry on, on parnell Street, people double parking, throwing on the hazards to go in for chips

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Nice avatar


William street is the worst, they do it on both lanes, you have to zig zag up the street.

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What would you know about it?

She’s not too happy about all the doxxing


Lovely dog.
A parson Russell?


Fair play to you, not many would know that,
She’s from Askeaton

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From a man named Jimmy?

They are class dogs. That’s what my next one will be.

Is that an actual breed? Excuse me , just googled, feck never heard of them, saw quite a few around Cork over the years, but genuinely thought they’re a cross between a jack R and another terrier, nice doggie

It is, generally have longer legs than a jack russell, they are a hunting dog.

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Thanks, rats/ etc?

They look not at all viscous

As fast a dog as I’ve ever seen for her size, unbelievable stamina as well, you could run 10 miles with her and she won’t want to go in home afterwards, I’d take her longer but she’d run till she keeled over, she does circuits of the back to keep fit, she has a path worn a few inches deep


What do you hunt with them? Foxes?

I don’t have one.
I had a Jack Russel but didnt do any real hunting with him. I’d bring him to where I knew there’s hares and let him sniff and run after them but there would never have been a hope he’d get near one.

Dogs like those need to be brought out into fields, etc and let work away for a while.

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Would a Jack Russell need the ride to be complete if you know what I mean? Don’t think my fella ever got it. Never went hunting as such either.

He’s still lively enough. Has great bursts of speed off the mark, but has no stamina at all. Hard to explain. Almost totally deaf and the eye sight is fading.


Is there a neighbour of yours playing in this tonight ??

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Horrible bastards … the list of charges is a tough read.

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