Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

www.underthebed.com is the place to record this blatant disregard for lives and humanity …

Definitely report that they were having good craic. That’ll really have the under the bed crew seething

I went to a well known pub yesterday for Sunday lunch and observed a group of gentleman who appeared to be enjoying a few pints and watching the Leeds game without any food. I’ll PM you the name so you can add it your dossier.

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I didnt call anyone out, you tagged me. I’m here to talk if and when you need help my man.

What’s the place in the square at the corner?

That’s Mamma Mias

If they were nice pizzas, you’ve just identified the pub mate :joy:

wha? you cant read now you’re so agitated.

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Would the fella in Whelans not fire out a few cocktail sausages

I think he expected this outcome. Got his publicity

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If I was a local out that way, I’d be supporting him.

Its a load of bollocks, what actual difference does food make once you have a proper setup. Smaller business people continue to be hit the most in this pandemic.

Its a disgrace really whats happening in this country.


I’m zen

Got a garlic chip out of there recently and paid 3.20 for it. There was approximately 12 chips in the container. The 2 battered sausages were rotten

I’m fully in agreement that pubs should be open


Some cyclist (sorry, I mean prick who cycles), sauntering up the quay this evening with the empty SEGREGATED cycle lane right beside him. Gets to the roundabout, then moves into the cycle lane and off out over the bridge.

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I’m beginning to wonder if this swerve to cycling isn’t going to cost lives expotentionally.
Your man there being a case in point, risking life and limb and some poor hoor with a pint, or maybe two on him, gets implicated in an incident and in branded a murderer for life.


people in cars costs the state money every time they drive
people on bikes save the state money

Car evaporation is good for the enviroment - NXO levels are bad for people, we need to reduce it, in the 80s one in 20 kids had asthma now its one in 5

Motor vehicle death is the biggest kliier of young adults

The roads in cities are full, you arent stuck in traffic, you are traffic, car evaporation & more walkability is good for a city

most car journeys are less than 5k, why are people so lazy?

whatis the most liveable city in the USA you ask? Portland of course, have you ever asked yourself why?

this is what we get in a car dominant society


Jesus Christ :confused:

Reading between the lines there @TreatyStones it’s probable that this was a misunderstanding
That cycle lane on the quay only opened on Monday and was on the opppisite side of the road from where this fella would normally cycle. The one on the bridge is there since last week so he’d have known about that one, cut him some slack


No, I never cut cyclist any slack I’m afraid. It’s a policy decision.