Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Just for comparison to another European country, Iā€™d know who Johan Elmander is (former Swedish International forward) but I couldnā€™t name one Swedish boxer.

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Shane is grand, the brother is as thick as pigshit.

Badu Jack, world super middleweight champ but am starting to suspect Long as well, who the vast majority of Irish women (that know of him) fancy.

I wonā€™t be taking the kids for a cycle along the new cycle lane, Jesus Christ, this is actually scandalous

I wouldnā€™t fancy riding along that.

Presumably the logic is that itā€™s better to have the infra segregating from traffic coming from behind rather than from traffic coming from in front. Certainly not ideal but the lesser of 2 evils I guess

Think it might be temporary but itā€™s mental

Another fantastic disappearing cycle lane. I havenā€™t seen a sinner use the one on SCR yet have you? Be nightmare of a road to cycle up with all the speed bumps anyway.
Itā€™s made it much harder to turn right at that junction as well. Good thing traffic is at a fraction or youā€™d never get out

Ref Limerick in a roundabout way, TTL employee working next to me in Mahon ATM in an awful fucking state over a new supervisor ( half his age ) giving out about his torque work with a screwdriver, threatened to stand him down for a couple of days, FFS this guy is touching 55/60 and sweating buckets over the imminent arrival of this jumped up cun*, wouldnā€™t even take a cup I offered him, reason being is thereā€™s 2 years+ work with this gang, p. s. This man travels up n down from Limerick each day, Iā€™d dawk the bastard if pushed like him, but this poor bastard needs the steady work, mortgage etc, what the fuck is happening to this country

What is ttl?

sparks crowd

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Iā€™m not going to lie I didnā€™t understand any of that


Heā€™s after being stood down the bastards

Electric crowd working all-over the country, TTL. ie

theyā€™re going down the shitter I think

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Is ā€œtorque workā€ a fancy term for screwing stuff in ?

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Yes but in electrical terminology I presume itā€™s vitally important, poor bastard was stood down for a few days, told me heā€™d done 250 plus houses no issues, then a new boss arrived last week and heā€™s hounding PPL

Are they working for eir? I mean theyā€™re all over the gaff, I travel extensively and see the whures everywhere

Whelanā€™s opened again today, serving food. After all that

Someone suggested that was always the plan?