Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Is the other one called the Wild Geese? Now that was folksy.

In fairness, hes an irritating cunt so they probably put strychnine in it

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I havenā€™t been in a few years, Iā€™m hoping the menu is a little bit more exciting than the sample one online.

They used to do a savage pork board, and the scallops in a salted brown bread crumb was one of the best starters Iā€™ve ever had.

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The wild geese has been up for sale with a while. I ate in the blue door last year and it was terrible but Iā€™m told itā€™s more often good than it is bad.

Interested to know what you consider Limericks top restaurant since you wrote off 1826?

Blue door is fine to bring your parents, I was always fond of the wild geese as well, it was a good restaurant years ago when there was little else

In my opinion itā€™s not even close, 1826 is the best but that speaks of a lack of real quality

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I didnā€™t write it off, I just said I donā€™t think itā€™s the best in limerick. I ate there and I thought it was good but I wouldnā€™t rush back. They were small portions and despite that I was blown up for the night after it, indicating there was something not ā€˜naturalā€™ shall we say in it. The Adare Manor for one has better food than it the time I ate there, not that Iā€™d go back there regularly either.

Ive never eaten in the Manor in fairness, forgot about that

What are you suggesting they gave you in 1826 though? I canā€™t get my head around what thatā€™s about


Iā€™m not suggesting anything untoward. I was bloated like a pig for hours after it and ate fuck all compared to what I normally do.

I would put the mustard seed in Ballingarry ahead of 1862 also. Look itā€™s subjective donā€™t worry too much about it.

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The East Room in UL is supposed to be very good fine dining. Although it just seems a really odd location.

Excellent (according to my parents)

This woman seems a thoroughly alright sort from what I heard over the years

@EstebanSexface Esta will tell you all about herā€¦

I was in playschoold with Curley and then spent every summer in her camps. She took us to Fota, Dublin zoo, Ballycotton. When I got older then you had to go and look after the younger ones.

Weston/Prospect and the Hyde road got an absolute gem in Curley.

A saint of a woman

I met her in my 30s and she still knew who I was, 20 years after I last met her. She had a big hug. Jaysus Iā€™m emotional


I know all about her ā€¦ Grandmother just up the road from Curleysā€¦ Shur my own mother enjoyed days out with her when she was a teen.

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A great woman :+1:

She used to go round barefoot.

She was tough without being mean. Fuck it she was a great person. I remember myself and Hanna used to do wreck in playschool and shed put us on toothbrush washing duty :joy:

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She dealt with worse than you two

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By fuck she did. Some werenā€™t redeemable, unfortunately, but by jaysus was everyone treated the same