Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

When did they knock Curleys? I remember playing ball on the tarmac there with Shakey and that crew in around 91/92 , I think it was gone then.

I got a serious feed in The Rose Cafe on Roches St today. Would never have thought of going in there only it was recommended by someone at work. Very impressed with it.

Is that the place that’s there about 30 years?

I’m not quite sure when they knocked it. It stood for a few years after she was gone out of it. She moved up to the community centre beside the church.

There used to be some games of ball inside in Curley’s tarmac. You’d go in a boy and come out a man. Same as a game above in the alleys

No idea, it’s across from Duggan glass. Nicely done up inside in it.

You’re thinking of the red rose on Parnell street. They did the best breakfast in Limerick


I lived with my aunt for 6 months in 92… I was in school with one of the Purcells who lived behind the shops / facing Curleys, so he brought me up and I played most nights … No different to Moyross, the games were life or death.

Some feed there back in the day.

Get “2 loose” john player cigarettes from your man next door.

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We wouldnt go down to Weston much and they woudlnt come up to the bullring.

Every summer wed send down our best eleven to play theirs and every man would bring a weapon :joy:



Foxys brother. He made a fortune selling looses

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Ger, was his name was it I think?

A gas cunt tbf.

Gers foodstores, rings a bell now :laughing:

Yeah. His brother ran a chip van above in prospect. Foxys.

He had the chip van in the front garden and used to rent videos out of the garage

Can I get 2 chips , 2 battered sausages and a blue movie foxy

Foxy had 4 fingers and a stump and the rumour going around was someone got an extra fish finger with a supper :grinning:


Silver room is very good

Some character, the operation in that shop at the time was hilarious when you think about it.

If he was selling loose fags to school kids what do you think he was selling to other fellas?

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Wouldnt happen these days, thankfully.

No. Jesus there used to be a shop on Hyde Road. Per Stuffys. She used to sell toffee apples and various gone off shit out of her front room. Do you remember that @Thomas_Brady

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The Silver Rooms is very nice. The steak is unreal.

Someone mentioned The Longcourt - the food there is fairly mediocre in my opinion. The service ain’t great either.

Was in Foley’s at the Pike a few weeks back and was underwhelmed in all honesty. Staff were sound though so they still got a decent tip.

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Foleys is pure roaster grub. Auld wans love it. Pure basic but big portions, just the way they like it.

It’s no Corbett Court, the ultimate in roaster fine dining.

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