Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Is that the same father Joe who ended up out in meanus about 10 years ago?

Couldn’t tell you to be honest.

Type his name into google & a few different articles come up.

For fuck sake, protect racket they mean.

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It was more of a lost and found service


And they did the losing and the finding. Great value

A one stop shop

Mid 90’s it looks like.

Grim watch.

Disappointed nobody has referred to him by his official title Alderman Michael Kelly

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Fr Joe was fierce involved with Limerick FC back in the 90s I think ?

Thats what I got off Google, there was a priest in meanus 10 years ago who used to be in Southill, not sure if was him. Was at a wedding there and the went on a mad one with the liquor, apparently he was off it as he was in rehab previously.

Robbed Limerick blind the cunt

They did security for places there would be no money in robbing.

They did it for the adapt house, which was a refuge for beaten women and kids. To make sure the fathers wouldn’t come and beat them there. Their sign over the gate was enough to keep the degenerate useless women beating cunts away from their wives for a week or two

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Their should be a biopic done about Father Joe

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Sure there was fierce shenanigans around the ownership of Rathbane too wasn’t there ?

A gangster in a cloak

Amazing how we can almost admire a deeply psychotic sociopathic ‘hard man’ who got his way by simply terrifying those around him. On the other side of it, old people who paid his company a fiver a week could sleep safely, walk to the shops and get about their daily lives while the gardai were out stopping people with no car tax and others busy passing on info to the criminals. If I was an older person on my own, I know whose side I would be on and to whom I would be paying the fiver.

Anthony is a different kettle of fish though. He didn’t need enforcers and is still the only one that the Caseys are afraid of.


Remind me, how did Mikey go again?

Anthony started a vigilante group years ago against the Casey’s.

I was at a party in a house not far from the Casey’s site and it all kicked off one night with gunshots. There must have been twenty rounds let off between both sides.

Done himself in

Ah yeah, that was the story anyway.