Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Total disgrace really that its being blocked.

A light rail system was mooted as alternative. Cant make it up. If they complete this part and onto the mackey roundabout you’ll have a complete ring road around the city. No need for cars in the city. Freeing it up for pedestrianisation cycling bus lanes etc

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Its totally wrong, for years that part of Limerick has basically been cut off. That road is vital for the Northside connectivity wise even if it doesnt go across to Corbally.

Green party have got this one wrong big time.

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A light rail system for Moyross, what ever could go wrong?


You’d be better off looking at light rail from Patrickswell pal. The track is probably beside your house.

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I saw that on the 6 o clock news . It seemed bananas

I live in Adare.

Can be blurred lines there pal,

Whats the townland called?



The well heeled of NCR voted Ledden in should be ashamed of themselves. Much needed for moyross

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Going on years. Thats what happens when you vote in greens. The council is also riddled with them

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Maurice is tearing into ledden

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He is dead right, its nasty stuff from the Green party.

They are trying to block the M20 too. Green party are Dublin centric and want to ignore the scum in limerick.

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Brian should have kept his head down.

A guard wouldn’t ask him that

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He won’t be canvassing in moyross anytime soon

They’d ask you anything these days

Did he get many votes there last time out ??? Where are the hipsters living in limerick that would vote green