Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Nothing new there

Eamonn Ryan seems a nice man but Micheal & Leo are running rings around him.

He’s pure watery. No steel at all. Just goes along with what he’s told.

Fingal CC have a hotline where you can snitch on cagers - should Limerick introduce the same?

They got 7% of the vote and did great in the PFG

Some highlights

  • An end to Shannon LNG
  • Will end direct provision
  • A reallocation of transport budget away from Roads
  • a pro climate and saving the planet budget

They’ll be destroyed… Isn’t there all kinds on internal turmoil also? A joke of a party

in 2021 do people still believe building more roads will be better for traffic :grinning: - @padjo please ladybird what induced demand is

in 2021 do people still want solutions that destroy the planet :grinning:

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Your councillors are getting lambasted at the moment. Could turn sour and seats lost over this

They’ve protected landlords, voted to seal mother and baby info… They’ve done what they are told.


Why have so many members left after such a stellar performance?

Many people attracted to Green politics generally don’t have the stomach for or understanding of politics, change doesn’t happen overnight

I’ve always voted Green with the lack of appropriate alternatives, what’s the option like, just give up?

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Voting Green is a wasted vote in many ways for the reasons you outline… We all know politics as we know it doesn’t work. The system is anti progress…we need to abolish politics, but that’s not gonna happen in our life time.

Some feel that they have comrpomised too much by going in with this Government - others feel that this is the price to pay to get some policies implemented

that was inevitable

It’s very sad that people still just want to besiege their cities with carparks. No forward thinking at all.

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Fine Gael on bikes aren’t a real Green Party at all. They need to put that young one from Mayo in charge and start setting up hippy communes

I think the greens have their goals in the right place but no practical knowledge of what their policy’s are.

Shannon LNG a port to import natural gas. Why are we importing natural gas? To run the gas turbines when wind isn’t blowing. Its the quickest and cleanest way to make up the energy shortfall when the wind isn’t strong enough to make up 70% of the grid. Gas is cleaner that coal/peat. Not perfect but an ideal compromise.

Better travel within the city. As I outlined above remove the need for cars in the city. This is one area in limerick that needs it. Cork is in greater need of it. Once ypu can completely avoid the city implement a city without cars woth a spoke of public transport to the outskirts.

There nothing from the greens on reducing energy use in the home all current seai grants are from the last fg goverment. These are decent but you would expect the greens to push for more water to air, self generation with solar and a grant for electric car charge points in homes in rural ireland

A few bike lanes and greenways are great but some of the social issues around mother and baby homes, minimum wage and supporting landlords is sick

Apologies trackie rant not targeted at you

Greens are clueless. I want a greener ireland but ill do my own bit and avoid the green SD woke fuckers at the ballot box

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What are you doing, I would like to do my bit also.

Running around naked with ming. Legalise weed ta fuck

i would trust the enviromentaal groups over you in regards to LNG