Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Good lad

Maybe stay out of such matters unless youā€™re going top provide some assistance. The planet is at stake.


Tell this particular cunt nothing.

So much anger. You wont help the planet like that.

Walls pumped with Insulation and windows done (no grant for windows). I am looking at the heat pumps for the mother but she got a new wood chip stove a few years back. Solar heat isnā€™t an option as the cylinder is too small and Iā€™m not knocking walls. PV would be an option if the batteries were cheaper ā‚¬6k is a lot for the payback period.
The heating control grant looks good. Energia have an offer on a smart controller and valves. All in around ā‚¬800 with a ā‚¬700 grant, only costing ā‚¬100 to yourself. If you can get that and a heat pump to replace the gas/coal/oil you have at the moment. Its easially a fridge in reverse

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We need cunts to roll in and save the environment too. We are in this together. Wear the green Jersey

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Outstanding. Now thats cooperation :clap:

I have the air to water, so Iā€™m all set from a home pov.

On the advice of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, I set fire to the second car over the Christmas and am shopping at the creamery down the road now.

odd headline

Has the m50 improved things for Darndale or Ballymun?

As the great Irish poet said, weā€™re addicted to progress.

spends 100s of millions on a dual carriageway - or have filtered permeability

Thereā€™s a walkway from Moyross directly into LIT, itā€™s via a gate which is locked outside of social hours.

Moyross is treated like shit by RTE though, they love sending the camera crews in to show a few horses roaming around


@chops91 Whatā€™s the feeling on the ground about this potential road?

One into Nessans as well isnā€™t there?

There is but I know of none into LIT and you couldnā€™t walk across directly between Nessans and LIT either.

That would exit into the GAA and rugby fields. Theyā€™d have the fields full of horses. And itā€™s from Ballynanty not Moyross. Easy cheap journalism not providing a credible solution.

Isnā€™t there an entrance to LIT (by the sports hall) right at the gates of Thomond CC?
When I worked over there I remember walking to that LIT hall via Moyross, canā€™t recall exactly where we came in.

You used to be able to walk into Nessans at the top of Cliona iirc. I think that gap at Dooneen in Woodview is blocked off now, twas a big draw for knacker-drinking

Itā€™s like that around the student accommodation as well. Twas like breaking into Fort Knox trying to get in for a house party

Yeah but it was always locked. Used to jump the wall when parked in woodview