Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

They should go for the jugular and demand the Adare bypass is thrown in now too.

Eamo was thrown to the wolves

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The Greens are pathetic.
They either believe in something or they don’t.


Tyres will be burnt in moyross in celebration of this news

Did they “think that through “ ??

Sleepy Eamon. The greens seem very weak at the moment.

Greens are only gap fillers like labour for any future conservative FF - FG governments, and like Labour and the PDs will fade and die

Fine Gael are pro Abortion, pro Gay marriage, pro High tax, and pro High borrowing.

Hardly a conservative party ?

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What the fuck is this place? Come get vaccinated in our galvanised shed.

Anyone ever take them on?

Who ?

Ha. Lived up the road from that for a year when the auld lad was building the house.

Sleepy Éamon trying to save face with “improved bus access and pedestrian walkways and cycleways”

Does this mean Moyross isn’t getting a light rail project?

All parties are the same now, they do what Twitter tell them to


eamon eamon eamon

Willie Willie Willie

Limerick Limerick Limerick*

*one for the I’ll believe it when I see it column

Covered there on the news with obligatory footage of two lads driving sulkies.

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There’s one of these transformational plans announced every six months.