Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

They finally started the last one after talking about it for ten years and the construction was shut down by covid :see_no_evil:

That’s about the size of it.

How’s the Opera House coming along?

I don’t think there was an opera house mooted for Limerick?

I saw plans for a large event centre at Thomond Park alright

Seems like it’s just kicked off

Wexford is the home of opera in ireland

Limerick would be only wasting their time building an opera house

:grinning::grinning::grinning: Talk about a wate of money.

Has to be some kind of cash for ash type scam

It’s up there with the most scandalous wastes of public money I’ve ever seen

“Limerick City and County Council stands over the costs of the parklets, as good value for money when you take all aspects of construction, health and safety and public liability into account,” the statement finished.

That’s what you are dealing with.

Dig up, stupid.

I voted against having a Mayor but having someone accountable for the waste of public money, as in this instance, can only be a good thing.


“While a standard parklet is around 6m long, the size of a standard parking space, our installation on O’Connell Street is more than five times this size. Typical parklet installations used in other locations are smaller and more temporary in nature and usually based on minimal planters and seating."

Ehhhh, why not build the fucking temporary one so if you are going ripping it out 9 months later.

In fairness its a few bob in the greater scheme of things kid.

Was never going to work, but it was probably worth trying at the same time.

I’ve no issue with the idea itself. I think it’s not a bad idea. I’ve come around to the idea of pedestriansing at least a portion of O’Connell street. But €75k for few fucking partitions :joy:

Was this announcement dependent on the road getting approved?

If it was, it asks interesting questions regarding the motives of the Green party and Sleepy Eamon

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Dya know I’d take it better if it was corruption. They actually think they are right to spend that money. How does one get through to that?

Wenger was right, the world has been ruined by confident, stupid people.

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I’d say it was at least partly dependent on the road. There’s a right chunk of land there doing nothing and it’s something that’s been waiting to happen in terms of development. The city is all built out to one side, very little on the Clare side (although that’s partly a co council politics issue) but it’s also damp enough land as far as I know.
Be great if it happened. The North Circular Road crowd (L4) probably won’t be too happy. The Green Party chap comes from there afaik. Maybe that was an issue

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Ye love an auld plan and a rebrand. I suppose those plans are keeping some of the chief pencil pushers in their jobs

To be fair limerick council are a lot better than they used to be, at least they are trying, but they are leaving a lot of easy wins on the floor too. That fucking “opera centre” has the city destroyed waiting for it. They’ve owned that land a decade. Inexcusable. Limerick is probably in a unique enough position in that the council actually own a lot of the significant land banks left in the city. They have an opportunity to do great things, or fuck the city completely

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The optics here may indicate that the Greens were willing to forego this medical development and lots of jobs in order to hold up the development of the infrastructure.

We’d only just spent milluns on a new edgey yet embraceful tourism persona to draw the Yanks in and almost immediately @Batigol had to start turning them away.

We’ll probably have the domestic market finally sussed just in time for Tony to officially declare the whole thing a cod and The Great Summer Exodus that will follow.