Fannings Fab 50

Agreed, I wouldnt go because it would ruin the memory of how good they were.

Think they had some savage songs later in there career as well though mac, just not enough of them.

Dont believe the truth had let there be Love
Heathen Chem had Little by little, Stop Crying your hear out

I didnt like standing in the shoulder of Giants other than that I would lsiten to all of the albums occasionaly.

Some classic songs in the back catalougue though

Aquiecse, talk tonight, Half the world Away, masterplan, Stand by Me (My favourite), dont go away, wonderwall, dont look back in anger, some might say, cast no shadow, morning glory, champagne supernova, Live forever, wonderwall, slide away

as I said, nothing fancy just good songs.

IMO it’s absolutely lazy to say that Oasis only have two albums worth of material - it in fact shows an astonishing lack of knowledge about their back catalogue. Ask different people about what their favourite Oasis song is and I can guarantee you’ll get about 30 different answers. As I already said, Be Here Now is a very under-rated album and even an album like Heathen Chemistry, which wasn’t as good overall, produced songs like The Hindu Times, Little by Little and Stop Crying Your Heart Out.

Be Here Now started the backlash against the band because it was too long and overproduced, even though the songs themselves were very good. It was “perceived” to be a let down relative to the previous two albums, say the way “Let It Be” was perceived to be a let down after Sergeant Pepper and the White Album, or the way Rattle and Hum was perceived to be a let down after The Joshua Tree.

It’s undeniable btw that a band ending suddenly is a good career move. The Beatles, Hendrix, Sex Pistols, Smiths, Stone Roses, Nirvana etc and others all had a relatively short shelf life and in the public’s mind there was always that “what if” factor about what they would have done if they had carried on. The likelihood is they woould all have probably made poor music. My point is that Oasis carried on and DIDN’T make poor music - it just wasn’t of quite the same standard as before.

As regards their live performances, I’d agree that Liam’s voice has failed badly in recent years and I would be critical of him for his half-assedness about singing live nowadays but the band’s live performances up to about 2000 were superb. Noel Gallagher has and still has an ability to re-interpret a song acoustically which completely changes the vibe of a song - eg Slide Away or Setting Sun/Fade In Out which I posted on the Smashing Tunes thread.

[quote=“dancarter”]Agreed, I wouldnt go because it would ruin the memory of how good they were.

Think they had some savage songs later in there career as well though mac, just not enough of them.

Dont believe the truth had let there be Love
Heathen Chem had Little by little, Stop Crying your hear out

I didnt like standing in the shoulder of Giants other than that I would lsiten to all of the albums occasionaly.

Some classic songs in the back catalougue though

Aquiecse, talk tonight, Half the world Away, masterplan, Stand by Me (My favourite), dont go away, wonderwall, dont look back in anger, some might say, cast no shadow, morning glory, champagne supernova, Live forever, wonderwall, slide away

as I said, nothing fancy just good songs.[/quote]

i think people of a certain vintage will always have a little soft spot for oasis, mid nineties they were on fire and it was a good time to be in your early twenties. They were good live then also and i saw them first in slane supporting REM, (about 95 i think) and they were well able for a big hall even at that stage. Cant say iv seen them recently or even bought an album in the last 5 years but for that time in my life oasis were a special band.
first two albums superb and i always pull out The Masterplan, it has weathered well imo

[quote=“dancarter”]Agreed, I wouldnt go because it would ruin the memory of how good they were.

Think they had some savage songs later in there career as well though mac, just not enough of them.

Dont believe the truth had let there be Love
Heathen Chem had Little by little, Stop Crying your hear out

I didnt like standing in the shoulder of Giants other than that I would lsiten to all of the albums occasionaly.

Some classic songs in the back catalougue though

Aquiecse, talk tonight, Half the world Away, masterplan, Stand by Me (My favourite), dont go away, wonderwall, dont look back in anger, some might say, cast no shadow, morning glory, champagne supernova, Live forever, wonderwall, slide away

as I said, nothing fancy just good songs.[/quote]

I’m a massive Oasis fan.

I can take or leave Liam, Noel is just a genius.

I do like standing on the Shoulder of giants.
You should give it another chance.
Roll it Over
Where did it all go wrong?
Sunday Morning Call.
Who Feels Love.
Go Let it Out
Gas Panic
Fuckin in the Bushes
All great tracks.

The others on the album aren’t great.

The last album had a few good tracks:
Do you not rate The importance of Being Idle?


Or Turn up the Sun?
Hindu times from HC?

I was at the acoustic gig that Noel and Gem did in Brisbane in Dec 2006.

This is the one in France

Fade Away is my favourite.

I always hated Oasis, couldnt stand their shite when they first came out. The groaning singing of Liam Gallagher and his ‘hard man’ act pushing his chest out acting all tough when he’s only a pussy and the big walk on him to arms swinging around. Suppose it makes sense how flano likes him tho.

any of the songs that I’d consider not too bad (but still shite) would have bene sung by noel. Maybe it was just I couldnt stand the other lads singing style. either way, Icouldnt listen to them, and I have tried.

Liam would batter the fuck out of you but yeah he is a weak little twunt.

I’m a great fan of Oasis just that I haven’t bought anything since Be here now. I think they’ve gotten lazy, also saw them in the Park in 96 and thought they were poor/.
However there is a live version of Live Forever that was a B side on one of the"What’s the story… " singles that is my favourite song of all time.
Music is great because everyone has an opinion, no matter how much you try to rationalise it, people feel strongly about bands and the music they play. There’s no logic to it. But it does make for great banter.

BTW- Fanning doesn’t make up the fab 50- people vote for it which might explain the preponderance of U2 songs in it…


Well I saw them in 1995 and again in 1996 and they were class. Not saying they were the greatest band in the world ever but at the time they were unreal!

Back to the Fab 50.

Where are the Doors on the list? Shocking.

[quote=“Flano”]Back to the Fab 50.

Where are the Doors on the list? Shocking.[/quote]

Agree with you again Flano.

Break on through
LA Woman
Roadhouse Blues
Light my Fire
The End

All better than about half those tunes

Yeah. I think The End is the best song ever myself. And when you talk about back catalogues The Soft Parade is considered their weakest album just because they had a brass section on the songs.

Wow I’m agreeing with Flano. Tis the season and all that…

The End is a savage song.

They don’t even have two albums worth of material. Those two albums were distinctly ordinary.

And why would people say it anyway? Because it is probably true. If I say that a footballer is shit you can’t just imply that I have never seen him play without knowing if I have or haven’t.

What is lazy about it? It is a judgement. If you ask me a lot of support of Oasis is utterly lazy by taking music that is being constantly rammed down your throat by the press and professing it as the greatest ever when you couldn’t be arsed seeing if there is anything better out there

As for the ending early comment – what are you trying to say exactly? If Oasis ended after two albums they would be heralded as the greatest ever? Is that all you can say for the ‘greatest band in the world ever’? First of all they would not and second of all the mark of a band in their longevity. You mention The Smiths in your list above – they had four basic albums with about 5O additional songs. Unless I am mistaken there are 10 songs on each of those two albums by Oasis.

You are talking through your hole.

[quote=“Flano”]Back to the Fab 50.

Where are the Doors on the list? Shocking.[/quote]

Agreed. An excellent band.

LA Woman - now there is a song.

Well Doors fans are obviously lazy fooks then which explains why they don’t appear.

I adore Oasis, their songs mean a lot to me, Morning Glory got me into music properly (as in buying albums regularly, and going to gigs regularly, rather than just listening to the radio constantly), but I’m not going to attempt to justify them to someone who has already decided they don’t like them. Can’t wait for Slane either.

Anyway, back to the Fab 50. I love it, and vote every year, although I’ve never won the albums. I voted strategically this year, voted for the only 2 Manics songs which have a chance of making it, as well as the Roses song which is usually highest placed.

The link can be found around so all the moaners and whingers have no excuses if their shitty over-rated Doors songs don’t get in this year.

I took an urge listen to Definitely Maybe a few weeks ago travelling up from Wexford to Dublin. I’d say it’s the first time I listened to it in about 6 or 7 years and I thought was fooking tremendous.

The link can be found around so all the moaners and whingers have no excuses if their shitty over-rated Doors songs don’t get in this year.[/quote]

Today’s the last day for voting. Just put mine in there now.

How soon is now
Caught by the Fuzz

Like the Original Fade Away:


and the Acoustic Fade Away:


that list of 50 songs(picked by the hoi polloi) only confirms my belief that most people are utter idiots.
They pick songs from bands they know because their musical knowledge is dreadfully limited.
snow patrol,kings of leon- give me a fuckin break.
U2 were a half decent band in the late 80’ they are a template for safe,unisex ,98fm/fm104, fat legged secretaries from kilkenny-type bands like coldplay, the aforementioned KOL and keane.

No sex pistols,no specials,no ramones,no MBV,limp smiths & oasis efforts and a leonard cohen song only famous cos the singer took a swan dive into the mississippi.

“I’ve met the man in the street, He’s a cunt” - Sid Vicious was as irrelevant to music as pete doherty is now but at least he came out with this pearl of wisdom.

Oasis were the first band I liked. Started listening properly to music pretty late for whatever reason but them and Ocean Colour Scene were the two bands I was most into. My music taste has changed considerbaly since then and wouldn’t really listen to either band at all or any band that would sound similar enough to them now. Actually properly got into Oasis around the time of Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants and if I were to pick five/six Oasis songs to listen to they would be from that album (Where Did It All Go Wrong, Sunday Morning Call, Gas Panic, Roll It Over). Recent albums have been particularly poor though and would rank Morning Glory, Definitely Maybe as being average enough also. Liam simply can’t sing anymore either.