FAO Accountants

I think it matches the idiocy of it all though. These young fellas are far better prepared than we were for being careful with e-mails/on the internet. Seems they take no heed though.

Rating birds of course happens everywhere, but how many people document it like this, only stuck up their own arse trainee accountants. Present company excluded from the stuck up their own arse bit. :smiley:

Some gas shite been spouted here.

Kev, just because you dont like a few Big Four lads, does not mean that everyone who works in such an organisation is a tosser. I used to work in one such firm, and made some great friends there (none of them post here), but that doesn’t mean to say that everyone who works in a Big Four is spot on.

Sacking those responsible was inevitable once the media got involved. I agree with Clarkey in thinking that the punishment was harsh though but accept that it had to happen.

Would they be looking at a lawsuit from this?
I’d say those ten “chicks” could weasel* a nice few bob out of them? Maybe even the (what must be atrcious looking yokes) that didn’t make the top ten could sue?

At the end of the day they were stupid and got caught.

*And as we all know weaseling out of things is what seperates us from the animals.

The story has made Football365’s Mediawatch.

Can’t believe how much publicity it has gotten.

Did i say they were all dicktards? No i said most i believe. Some of these fellas are my friends farmer, and i have met many many more. Actually its really a case of getting them on their own, thats where you really see what ye are like. When they are together they are generally loud, obnoxious, mess with drink and generally not very nice to be around.

I still like my friends for the most part, but think a couple did turn into muppets after their “big 4” experience. Others got it together again when they realised they had changed, or came back from Dublin or whatever.

This incident didn’t surprise me either, its typical of their narrow views on others and especially women.

Yeah under the headline

Oi Oi, Lads Will Be Lads Banter Story Of The Day

Ah the banter :smiley:

Astonishing generalizations from Kev here. Approx 6,000 people work in Big 4 firms and you reckon most are dicks because a few of your friends are. Appendage is Big 4 and is a lovely chap. As is Bandage, as is Rocko.

Think it’s more to do with your mates than the firms they work for.

Its my experience, not a generalization. And i have met far more people from there than are my friends, unfortunately.

Its in the training i believe, and the general “we’re better than you” attitude of these companies. It’s too much of a coincidence that i have seen it happen to several people from various firms.

If ye don’t want to accept that point of view, then fair enough, but it is a view held by me, and many many more.

+1 mate

Odious cunst like Farmer sum up these organisations with their I’m smarter than you mentality

That is an incredible post.

You say that you didnt say they were all dicktards, as in you are not making a sweeping overgeneralisation on all Big Four employees.

Then you go on to say:

  • when they get together, they are generally loud, obnoxious, mess with drink and generally not very nice to be around.
  • I still like my friends for the most part, but think a couple did turn into muppets after their “big 4” experience
  • Others got it together again when they realised they had changed, or came back from Dublin or whatever.
  • This incident didn’t surprise me either, its typical of their narrow views on others and especially women

Now if that is not sweeping overgeneralisations, I don’t know what is.

I worked in a Big Four for 3 years, and 90% of the people I met in my time there were sound I felt. As I said, I don’t look at someone now introduced as being from the Big Four, as being sound automatically. Same as you shouldn’t making sweeping generalisations on those who have worked there as being arseholes, on the basis of a few of your mates.

Of course the Dublin inferiority complex is shining right through there as well - what has coming back from Dublin got to do with anything? I get that shite a lot when I come home as well.

Given my own Big 4 experience compared to my experience with other smaller firms, I would be leaning towards agreeing with Kev. Definitely an air of superiority about them and in particular the graduates. You have a lot of fellas thinking they have “made it” because they’ve landed the big job in Dublin. There were a good few sound people there too, but to be honest the dickheads tended to outweigh them.I suppose I would be looking at it from the services side as well which means you will always be treated differently but at the same time the same attitude didn’t exist in the other places I have worked.

Thinly veiled “fix my focking computer IT boy” from the Runt.

That’s because we’re superior The Runt.

I’d like to publicly thank briantinnion for his kind words.

No it wasn’t from me. It was from them.

I had the misfortune to be in the presence of a large group of graduates who had been at one of the big four firms only a few months a while back.
The levels of spoofing going on was unbelievable. This is an actual conversation from the party.

Guy 1: I drank 4 shots of tequilla last night.
Guy 2: Oh ya I drank 7 shots
etc etc etc
Guy 10: I remember one night when we were in San Francisco I drank two bottles of tequilla raw before going out (Same lad drank a nagin that night and was KO’d)

Every story that was told had to be topped to the point of retardedness.

That was about 15 lads and they were all spastics.

Air of superiority. You don’t need to work for a big four to get that. Generally people who have an air of superiority are superior so they’re (we’re) entitled to it.

I’ve seen that shite going on with people who haven’t been near an ass’ roar of a Big Four firm.


Good Ol’ Heddild

Ah ya, but I’d never seen such a concentration of cunts in my life. Not one alright lad in there.

Is there a collective noun for cunts? Like a swarm or a flock or some such?