FAO of Arthur Foley + Legal Eagles and General Know Alls

you are engaged bud clap::grinning:

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You’ve jumped the gun there, pal. If you read back further I think I posted about having 5 different drinks in front of me at once stage… I quite simply fell into bed hammered and didn’t even engage in the auld heave ho and it’s outrageous that you’ve used it as a stick to try and beat me with. I’ve had to explain myself on the INTERNET because of you.

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What? You mean I may have taken a a liberty with a loose comment and used it to rile another poster into defending something they shouldn’t have to? Ah no don’t say that :ronnyroar:

Anyway. Your explanation above. Sure what else would a fella say in the same situation

I won’t labour the point il say no more I know when enough is enough :grinning:


I was wondering where it came from, I was just bandwagon bandwagon jumping having seen it mentioned quite a few times in the last few days, thought it was just a new TFK ‘truth’ like the lad with the hook nose or the one who stocks vending machines.
Anyway it looks as if @ChocolateMice has landed on his feet here, the big event could merit a souvenir pullout in the Echo. Co graduations again mate.


I’m gonna have to post some dick pics it seems

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Ah it’s just amusing is all.

@markrenton smashed through the saloon door a few years ago. The king of Moyross. Full of piss and vinegar. Snapping necks and cashing cheques. Get up on a cat going out a skylight so he would.

Now here we are @ChocolateMice living in leafy suburban Cork. Engaged and in the bosom of his princesses family. Unwilling to perform his manly duties because he had tried 5 different drinks.

Evolution of man.

Still love you brah. One of the top 25 posters here no doubt.


Got a question for @artfoley and legal eagles and general know alls…

My auld fella recently got a bill from a solicitor for solicitor fees amounting to €5500. It seems totally excessive to me and I want to know if others agree. How this came about was:

The auld fella inherited the house at home from his parents. Although there was never any will. His own father died without making one, and then his mother wasn’t in a position to do so in the last years of her life due to going senile. It was always accepted and assumed by the rest of the family that my father was getting the house and there never has been nor never will be a challenge from anyone else in the family. However, he has in mind to get his affairs in order at this hour of his life and wants to make his will. In order to to do this though he first needs the deeds of the house to be made official in his name. It involved getting plans, birth certs, financial statements etc of his parents, plus letter(s) from his sibling(s) that they were happy to grant ownership of the home place to him. Grand. There was a fella came out as well to value the house. There were a few add ons in the invoice such as registration fees to probate office and property registration fee circa €350, valuation fees €220, miscellaneous (letters, phone calls) €150 , VAT of 23% totaling €600. But the fee to the solicitor himself for ‘professional fees’ was the nicely rounded up figure of €2500.

Matters are complicated a bit further by the fact that about 30 years ago the auld fella extended his patch by buying an acre of land off a local farmer, with a cash handover and hand-shake type agreement. They’d both be laid back types and of their word and there was never any legal transfer or signatures involved. However he (or solicitor most likely) decided the land needed to be registered now as well. So for the land alone there’s a few add on’s like €400 to the property registration authority, miscellaneous (letters, phone calls) €75, VAT €200, few other small add on’s. But for the registration of the one acre of land he is doing that separate to the house and he is looking for a nicely rounded up figure of €850 for his ‘professional fees’ just in relation to the one acre of land.

All in all, for his professional fees (forget VAT, and the various add on’s like registration fees) he is looking for €3350. I feel like he is robbing my auld fella who is retired now, but that is besides the point. Am i right or is this standard going rate for a task/‘effort’ like this? He hasn’t even got to the will yet.

Does not sound off the wall. Did solicitor issue a S 68 which he should have to show how he would charge.

If your auk fella goes back and says happy to pay but it seems a bit high he should be able to get a 20 per cent discount I reckon

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I don’t think he got any S 68 or anything of the sort. It was total surprise when the bill came but then my auld fella is not in that world, or the world of business. He expected maybe €2000 in or around there. Is there any recourse besides giving the poor mouth to the solicitor?

You wouldn’t get much from a solicitor for 2k inc the VAT. Straight forward conveyance on a property is over a grand.

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Ffs :clap:

Fees seem reasonable enough but definitely scope to haggle a bit. Lot of work in what you have laid out there. You could get charged 1500 quid plus outlay for the purchase of a new house which is as straightforward as it gets. It’s not all an hourly rate really, his professional insurance is on the line every time he does a transaction so I assume the more complex it is the more of a loading he charges to cover this risk

If that other auld lad had died in the intervening years your father would have had no proof of the purchase. It would be still on the other fella’s folio. Mental stuff.

I know sure it is pure madness. It was me pushing to get the land legally transferred over, it wouldn’t have been done but for my insistence. The will and the house however he was doing that off his own bat but was leaving the land as it was if he got his way. :sweat_smile:

He was there going “He’s the soundest man you could ever meet, and his sons the same”. I said I understood that and agreed but still it is madness not having it all done up legally. The way I had to put it to him to get sense into him is ‘What’s to stop his great grand son in 100 years time coming along to your great grand son and saying “Here buck, how is it you have that land of mine? How did it come about because as far as i can see from the land registry it’s mine.” And the people who have the answer are all dead and gone. Or the great grand son might not be a chip off the old block and as sound as the people who went before him, sure anything could happen.’ :grin:


Yeah. It is negotiable.

Also payment terms negotiable.

Pretend you are a GAA club who has hired a S and C coach


Two neighbouring families in my locality had an issue like this a few years ago. Family A leased a few acres on a 100 year lease to family B. When the lease expired the decendants of family B contested the ownership in court as they had a barrister in the family. Cunt of a judge split the land 50/50 between them and the original owners got the shit half.

How much will the will cost him I wonder? He’s making out he knows someone who spent €3k on getting a will done. If he paid the €5500 but got your man to throw in the will as part of it then it seems bearable.

Will should be 750 quid max I’d say barring it’s unbelievably complex

He should definitely throw it in for the other work he’s done

Tell him it would work out far cheaper to have smark as the sole recipient, they charge per name.

So your dad didn’t get a letter saying the solicitor charges x per hour and other rates? If that’s the case, then send an email saying no s68 appeared to have been sent and in the absence of same fees seem excessive, can the law society provide clarity for me?

The possibility of having LSRA action will normally soften a cough or excessive fees