❗️FAO of Rocko

Unable to log in off laptop

Have you tried plugging it out then sticking your thumb up your hole?


@Rocko when you’ve a poster blocked or whatever you still see their avatar when they’ve posted last on a thread. anyway this could be changed?

Log off, go for a 5k.walk while murmuring the sorrowful decades of the Rosary and you’ll returned refreshed. Failing that I’d say you’ll need more advanced therapy.

It’s an absolute cunt when a lad gets into your head - way above the thumb in the hole solution.


Not all I’ve backinatracksuit scumbag on block for what he said about my father when he was ill. repeatedly said I should add. I don’t let go too easy.

You spent a fair part of yesterday replying to me so you didn’t mind too much,
I’m prepared to bury the hatchet, we’ll probably never see eye to eye much but I apologise if that line of attack was particularly hurtful,
Will somebody pass on my message to @AppleCrumbled


Nice touch

It takes a big man to apologize.

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Mighty sound gesture. FAO of @anon32894817: BIAT has apologised.

Will ye shake hands lads?

@anon32894817, you probably won’t see this because you have him on ignore but @backinatracksuit has been posting scurrilous rumours about you again.


Not a hope. I asked him to stop 12 months ago or more. He continued to dig the nail after this. Yesterday he claimed he didn’t even think the jibes annoyed me even though I asked him to stop on multiple times.

Ah well, the apology stands anyway, I’d hate to think that I actually hurt somebody’s real life feelings or upset them here. I have the wrong idea.
I won’t mention the imaginary farm again.

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youre a bad bad man



For what it’s worth, I thought you took a fairly innocuous paedophile gag very badly.

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To clarify that, I barely mentioned it at the time, a big deal was made of it in recent days because I found it ironic that HBV was pontificating about bullying on here so I brought it up. And the posts were removed at the time, it was three years ago. It wasn’t one gag.

What I meant was that I have no idea if there is a farm or not, I don’t know the first thing about him

thats as well as may be, but the last post really took away from your bigger man apology, intentional or not.

It wasn’t to do with a farm or a house or a boat that bothered. It was an extremely tough for me. Tfk was a bit of a getaway for me and you kept bringing up my father and his finances for no apparent reason even though you knew he was sick. That’s what bothered me.

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In fairness to @backinatracksuit the 'gambling away the farm ’ is an old gag, there’s even a song about it.
In fairness to @anon32894817 @backinatracksuit was asked to stop.

I’m issuing both with a yellow card, though @anon32894817 is entitled to feel slightly aggrieved

OK, I’ve said my piece, if it hurt I apologise, it was never about your father though in my mind, betting the farm is well known euphemism for somebody with a gambling problem (I’m not really saying you have a gambling problem because I don’t know you), having a go at people that you have online feuds with is how it goes around here usually.
The posts are all digs at you, I don’t ever recall insulting your father, I’d be ashamed of my life if I did.
It’s like the ‘yo mama’ jokes, they don’t count because they are not about real people, I’m sick of explaining that to schoolkids, I don’t know you or your family and have no interest, really.

I hope your da is feeling better, I’ve been through that worry 3 times now, it’s still going on.