🤔 The Farm Affair - A Forum Unites

My dad doesn’t have to see his doctors for 6 months. Thank you for the concern. I found out last Thursday. A huge weight lifted of my shoulders. I slept easy for the first time in a long time.


Thank you. Was that the only one?

No that was one of the last ones as I muted him for a long time.

Can you post up one where you asked him to stop posting about your sick father?

That’s good news. You’d want to mind yourself now. I’d say your B/P is off the charts.
There’s some terrible cunts on here, less than trustworthy the majority of them.

That @anon61878697 is an absolute knave.


Here is @backinatracksuit apology from a few weeks back

If you follow the thread you will see @anon32894817 was well aware of it and declined to accept it

❗️FAO of Rocko

Not all. I haven’t been happier in a long time but I won’t forget tracksuits postings and those who defend him.

Stop what?

But glas started up the ribbing again the other day. So did mice(he deleted it) and tracksuit again.

Go shit in your hat.

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But @backinatracksuit apologised, for what I dont know. Hes not responsible for anyone else poking the bear

Him and glas go hand and hand.

They’re cunts Tommy I’m telling you. I’d often whisper a silent prayer for some of those deranged souls. Your countyman @balbec is egging them on I learned in a PM.

Dreadfully poor form. Great news for your Dad BTW. :ok_hand:

Thanks boxy I don’t really understand what you say but I do enjoy your country style posting.

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Could this be settled by keepie uppies?


I have every PM I ever got. I’m not even sure they can be deleted?



No I apoligse to backinatracksuit. I took u[ his postings the wrong way and just held onto it for the sake of it. I was wrong and should have moved on. I found the pm not sent to tracksuit so he was correct. I apogise to the forum as a whole. I ask for one last chance.


Please God this is the breakthrough we’ve been craving.


In other words you’re scared of @backinatracksuit beating you at keepie uppies