Feeling a bit sick

Will it take you that long to get from Tarbert to Limerick . I know the pubs on the coast road are good but Jesus !!

Sure tis aif week, and she needs to steady her nerves

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Best wishes to her .



Also Get well soon @mikehunt
Hope youā€™ll be ok for Sunday week

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Your Eustacian Tube is blocked. This is essentially an open vent between the back of your throat and your inner ear that acts as an equalising valve for ear pressure. It is lubricated with saliva. When you fly, the ear pain you feel is due to the rapid change in pressure - your Eustacian Tube hasnā€™t reacted fast enough - and the pressure inside tries to eualise through the Timpanic membrane (your ear drum) hence the pinch. They say you should chew wine gums or toffees just before take offā€¦ this essentially exercises the muscles from your jaw right up to the temple. This can aid the EustacIan Tube to equalise (that familiar ā€˜popā€™) and the pain subsides.

You need to do this now. A lot. Go further and massage the area just behind the jaw bone (on your neck) right up to behind your ear. A lot.

That whole area is comprised of a honeycomb-like bone structure that is filled with a fluid that controls how you hear sound. When you have an infection, like you do, Mike, this thickens - hence the pain and duller sounds. Tap this side and listen. Then tap the other side and compareā€¦ much brighter? Youā€™re fucked and need to stick your thumb up your bumhole.

You hear what Iā€™m saying?


You were going well there for a while.
Mike needs to follow tried and tested Nogra advice on sinus related problems. Massage of the pressure points under the eye towards the nostril is vital. Donā€™t touch a netti pot while infected. Try and get your gut healthy with probiotics. In extreme cases make the labane nightcap of furofen flu or whatever it is, boiling water, whiskey, lemon, honey, and a pinch of cayenne. Labane had been known to snort cayenne.

Above all, take it easy for several days. No excess whether itā€™s food or drink, get lots of sleep. Steam your head over a bowl is also good.


@mikehunt ignore all this pseudo medical babble from the ill informed goons. Youā€™re about to die mate, might as well go on the lash.


you have been a very very naughty boy havent you? infections like that donā€™t just appear, you pick them up somewhere you shouldnā€™t have been, you dirty little fucking deviant.


You must be on your fucking death bed so.

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What is it with you Nogra cunts and sinus related problems? Is it some sort of genetic defect?

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Have a heart Fran.


Inbreeding preventing inbreathing, poetic.


RIP @mikehunt

An autoimmune reaction to inbreeding?

Sign in @mikehunt

That cunt @FatChops told him to massage the infected area, which meant sending a heap of puss down the eustasian canal and probably choked Mike as he was reading John McIntyre in the Tribune last night.


full health @fisty, you one eyed gimp.

When Mike surfaces I can walk him through the Valsalva Manoeuvre. Give a man a fish and all that.

Incidentally I would like to thank you for your advice on sinus irrigation. After a slow start I am now a true believer. You mentioned Mrs KP was a disciple, h-h-ha-ave she aaany sisters?

I am not at all well today. I have pains in my stomach and I am bloated, I feel like shit. Iā€™ve had a shite already today but Iā€™m hoping there will be an enormous passing of matter in the next hour. Thought I was alright when I left the house, but now in work and wish I hadnā€™t bothered coming in. Iā€™d go home, only I have to collect the young fella from training in Sydney this evening.