Feeling a bit sick

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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Are you sure it’s not gout

Hows the hay fever treating ye lads? No watery eyes or running nose here just pure inflammation of the whole sinus cavities. Like some cunt put spray foam insulation up my nose.

Eyes are red raw and nose like a tap

Allergies are getting worse with climate change | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

When away the weekend it was pretty bad in the evenings, but generally I’m way better with it now than I was a few years back.

I used to suffer really bad from my sinuses when I was a teenager. It could have been hayfever - I’m not sure.

It would start with a load in my nose and me sneezing like fuck.

The turning point came when I realised that blowing my nose was further irritating it so I just decided to sneeze it out and under no circumstances blowing my nose.

It was gone in an hour.

I have had no symptoms yet thankfully.

No symptoms so far. Been taking piriton since 1st March everyday

I take an antihistamine every day, all year round. Has definitely helped me.

I moved to defcon 1 only yesterday. Im now at…
Antihistamine every day.
Nasal rinse at least twice.
Omicron eye drops.
Gargle salty water.

It was either that or start gouging at my eyeballs with spoons and go at the nasal passages with a can of lynx and a lighter.

It’ll last about 2 weeks I’d say.


You need to get ahead of it with the antihistamine. If you are starting them once you get symptoms it’s already too late.


Have been on the antihistamine for about a month.

What antihistamine are you on. We had the older lad on Montelukast last couple of years but off it now as there were warnings about serious mental health issues. He’s on drynol now which seems to do the job (albeit not as effective). There’s an expensive nasal spray you can get too - dymista.

The online doctors will fire you out a prescription for the above if needed

Cetrine or zirtek

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Notice a lot of grit in the eyes each morning but aside from that so far so good.

Local honey.

Spoonful straight in the gob every morning & a cetrine tablet every evening seem to have made a huge improvement to me.

Didn’t take honey Saturday, Sunday or yesterday as was out & was immediately starting to bung up & feel pressure around nose & under eyes.

Go new supply of honey this morning :muscle:


I’d a bad reaction to that stuff

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Some bad stories about it. Our lad seemed ok but I’d not risk it.

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