Feeling a bit sick

Yes, you need to read. Agreed.

Tasty pricesā€¦

25p a day. Thereā€™s lads spending twenty thousand on solar panels to save that a day.

Thatā€™s a bee farm, not a solar farm.

Tonsils and ears killing me. Can feel the pains in my bones and my nosed is dripping like a busted tap.

Je Suis Old Trafford

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RTE selling 107 million worth of land in 2016 and using the proceeds to pay salaries.

Iā€™d be delighted if the farm bull could serve 75 cows in 3 weeks. Some going by this fella, he must be red raw.


Unstoppableā€¦ :astonished:

If it comes from sloths does it mean that rather than crippling us itā€™ll make us go like the clappers?

Anyone know any remedies to get rid of a wart, roughly 1cm in diameter off ones arm?

Something better than Sudocream.

Get a wart and verruca freeze kit in any chemist, fire it on, job is oxo, will fall off after a few days with no scarring.

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@Feech_La_Manna put up a video of a method on the cork thread yesterday

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You get a snail and let it slither over the wart. Then you tie it by its tail with a thread and hang it up somewhere it cannot be eaten and let it die. As it dies the wart will die also.