Feeling a bit sick

Few skat flicks balance you right back out

Youā€™re dead inside

Sick from drinking late last night and all day today.

Iā€™ve a touch of heartburn

Iā€™ve just done a shit that looks like a massive acorn.

Iā€™ve been shitting for about ten minutes hereā€¦ A horse wouldnā€™t unload as much. I dont know how itā€™s even possible.

you glutton

I was a bit backed up Iā€™d say.

Iv a bad head cold now dying

Throw a few neat brandies down you

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Took 800 mg of ibuprofen there .

You fanny. Harden up to fuck.


Feed a cold, starve a flu.

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I am sick right now but heading into work a 12 hour shift. A lesser man like @PhattPike wouldnā€™t be able for it

Of course I would but I would definitely be ā€œworkingā€ from home.

Feeling sick again
1x irish coffee
1xpale ale
1 x half bottle of nice rioja
1 x large baileys.
Big dinner and half bale of chocolate.
Airport at eight tomo to fly home

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Heā€™s coming home, heā€™s coming home, Flattyā€™s coming home

He is. Bag packed. :+1:.
Moycullen for ale tomorrow night please God.


Welcome home bro

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Thanks mate.