Feeling a bit sick

I certainly wouldnā€™t put it past them.

Got it previous year but forgot to get it this time round

suppository mate

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chop them up raw and throw them into a salad or mash them into black pudding to make it more palatable.

lads who spent the last two weeks drinking now pitiful messes because they have the sniffles

dats de oirish for you


We get it both barrels too which is very annoying.

Step 1
Inane photos and drunk talk.

Step 2
Inane bitching and general footix carryon

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Iā€™m just coming out of a miserable dose that hung around for the best part of 3 weeks. Fit for nothing, hardly out the door and sitting on my arse all day. I donā€™t know how townies stick it all year roundā€¦

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cripes, can you stop going on about it

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Itā€™s St.Brigids Eve. Leave a cloth/hanky/towel out tonight to be blessed by the Saint as she passes.
Said cloth will provide relief for headaches and sore throats for the year ahead. **

** Iā€™m unable to confirm whether this applies to hangovers or not.

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Does BrĆ­d do coronaviruses as well?

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Keep up. Iā€™ve already provided the antidote to this on the relevant thread.
Do you think Iā€™m fucking NowDoc on-line or what?

Iā€™ll be on Six One this evening.

Iā€™d say your kidneys are in bits.

Good stuff. No way youā€™d have survived that cold otherwise

RIP instead of flowers please send cash to Club Tyrone

Signing in. Salivary gland infection. Surprisingly painful.


This is actually incredibly painful. Just for the FYI of the forum

Disturbingly, the level of pain has risen from surprisingly to incredibly over 12hrs.

The initial irritation wouldnā€™t have come from slurping on some bacterial virus that was dormant on an aluminum tin, letā€™s say a Dutch Gold can.

Make a will today while you have the chance.