Feeling a bit sick

Iā€™m not being hyperbolic when I say this might be sorest affliction Iā€™ve ever had. I mentioned it on a call to my dad and he replied ā€œa sore bastard of a thingā€

Gonna leave my estate to the Fine Gael party

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You at the airport? Find a pharmacist and get a dozen Ponstan Forte tablets to go. *

Theyā€™re big oval yellow bastards but theyā€™ll have you right before sunset.

  • You may have to use your charms on one of the staff there without a script.

Ponstan. I hope I never need them again.

Is your ear/jaw all swollen? I had some infection a couple of years ago. Ws some gland that I canā€™t quite rememebr or sprell.

Yeah both of them.

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In true TFK fashion, cometh the crisis, cometh the expert. All salivary gland issues to @FatChops going forward.

On a more serious note, that sounds horrible. Sympathies.

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Jesus you are gone delerious with it altogether.

Still very sore guys

Very dramatic events for me lads, im currently lying on trolley in St Jamesā€™s a&e with a drip in my arm, awaiting the decision if Surgery as to whether they want to cut my appendix out or not.

Iā€™ve had bad acid indigestion and heartburn the past week or more. It wouldnā€™t go away and medicine hasnt helped. The past 2 nights Iā€™ve been unable to sleep. The pain has consolidated more into my right hand side, which feels like a wound. Went to the doctor today and he sent me here.

St James is a great spot. Only 4 or 5 in the non-covid19 a&e, I was immediately taken into triage. Only arrived here a few hours ago and Iā€™ve had blood and urine tests since, spoken to several doctors, great bunch of lads.

My phone battery will be dead in about an hour and I might be here for the guys of a month so good bye for now


Good luck, dear INTERNET friend.

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Who put that IV in. A mechanic?

@iron_mike had cancer surgery and was posting four hours later. Up your game ffs

Having said that best of luck with the op - no bother to you.


Mind yourself pal. If itā€™s only keyhole you will be out in a couple of days

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Best of luck mate

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Great time to get it out of the way


And the soft arm they had to deal with.

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Get well mate and when your good to go again we can talk about how to fix that hairy arm

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Youā€™ve an arm like leg

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TFK exclusive, @Tanks true identity revealed


Best of luck, Bucko.

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