Feeling a bit sick

My brother sylvest


The arm of a good wanker

Much love @Tank

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Reports A&E has seen a massive influx of men suffering from tennis elbow last couple of weeks. Is @tank telling us the whole story here?

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Good man tank. (That italian woman poisoned you)

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The abdominal injury could be from tearing the stomach off himself as well sure

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Fare thee well @tank, we hard knew you

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Theyve done a CT scan and say that the results are ambiguous and I might have colitis or inflamed bowel syndrome. I googled those things and they’re all chronic conditions that might be Crohn’s disease some sort of permanent ulcer. That might somehow be irritating my appendix also they think.

I’d rather just have appendicitis, where they chop it out and that’s the end of it. I dont ever want another week like my last one or my life destroyed by some permanent shite.

They have me hooked up to antibiotics on a drip and they’re planning on sticking a camera up my hole when the swelling is down, possibly a thumb too. I know this is the course of action the forum would recommend. I dont know when I’ll ever be getting out of here but definitely not today and probably not tomorrow.


That’s shit news to get @Tank, I’d light a candle for you if I thought you held any store in that kind of thing. Maybe stay away from google for a bit until you get a proper diagnosis.


What age are you?

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Unlikely it’s Crohns then, you’d know before now generally.

Do you smoke? Or drink a lot of coke etc

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Dont smoke, drink very moderately, not obese. I’ve just been told I’ve an auntie and a cousin with Crohn’s, I didn’t know that. It could be an infection possibly.

Anyway the long and the short of it is ive handy phone charger dropped in and now I’ll be wrecking everyone’s head for the foreseeable future.

Edit: dont drink fizzy drinks

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Have it at home, never opened it, now it might save my life

Best of luck @Tank mate.

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We already have a poster with Crohns so that niche is filled. Although you can spell it so you are one up on @anon32894817 there.

Get well soon mate, hopefully it’s something handy enough


Get well soon @Tank

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They could have a Crohns club like the Haemochromotosis club.

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Hope it all works out Tank. Wishing you the best.

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