Feeling a bit sick

What hospital are you in boss?

He’s in Jameses



You’re in the Mater private?

No. Vincents

That’s disappointing to hear pal.

Channel your inner Rory Woods and you will pull through this.


Standard of care in here is unreal, so long as you dont have Covid 19

Theres only 3 in my 6 man ward. The aul lad opposite me, Phil, Cameron in Tuesday to get a few tests done for constant diarrhoea. They found a tumour in his bowel, when I met him on Wednesday it was still sinking in that he has cancer. He’s had every type of test done one him, including on his liver which they weren’t sure about, and now he’s just been told that they’re going to operate on him tomorrow afternoon. Talk about a whirlwind week. He’s put a brave face on it all. I told him I’ve a friend from the internet who beat bowel cancer.

I also had a lot of tests and care given as soon as I arrived.


Ah look at. Medical staff in general are absolute saints. In the two years I’ve been laden with this bastern thing, they have been absolutely wonderful right from porter to surgeon


@Tank strikes me as more of Gerry McCarville figure tbf. His resilience is legendary.
Keep safe in there kid, I like James’s - grand, efficient staff and the grub is A1.


This poor fella Phil had another visit from a doctor to tell him that another specialist had looked at his ultrasound and decided that the cancer has spread to his liver after all. So the surgery tomorrow morning is cancelled and he’ll be chatting with a specialist about chemo instead.

Stoical is not the word for this lad. He took 10 minutes to himself then statyed calling up his family with big chuckles - “you’ll never guess what is after happening, hohoho”.

Phil is a true Dub and a Kevin Heffernan type.


This has more or less cleared up now. Swelling gone down. However I’ve a new issue now where I’m feeling hungover all day for the past few days. Can’t be dehydration as I’m drinking water to beat the band. Can any of the tfk medical experts advise?

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Get well soon @Tank

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Are you drinking alcohol perhaps?

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Get well soon @Tank

Get over yourself @Batigol


There’s lads here in hospital gowns getting all sorts of tests thrun at them, nobody gives a hoot about your mildly irritating sore jaw FFS sake.

A tour de France from yourself in the coronavirus threads the past few weeks

Best of luck pal… hope it all goes well.

Ive been experiencing similar symptoms over the last few weeks actually… pain in right side and chest , minor heart burn tho but random bouts of feeling extremely nauseous for a minute … ties into fatigue symptoms ive had for nearly two months. Doc says it fits gallstones but cant see me until covid is done. Family has history of gall problems so it makes sense… i’ll be getting wider tests for ulcer/colitis also and will be hoping the camera goes down rather than goes up :no_mouth:

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That’s an awful cunt if a thing, bad situation you’re in. To be honest, you’ll be lucky if it’s your gallbladder. My mam had her gallbladder cut out many years ago and shes flying now, I think she only had 1or 2 attacks after that. Theres loads of people you’ll talk to who deal with kidney stones or gall stones removed and they’re grand afterwards, complete recovery.

Id say that ulcer / colitis is much worse for a young man like yourself, that’s what I’m worried about too.

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Best of luck @Tank. You’re in good hands and they’ll fix you up.

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