Feeling a bit sick

Was that Italian lady loading you up on high cholesterol food? - what ever it is, youā€™ll have it licked in no time kid. Few minor changes and youā€™ll be back living normal life in no time.


Youā€™d have to have something of course, you needy cunt.


We already told the cunt he had glandular fever but he wonā€™t listen.

You can see now why are hospitals and A&E are overrun normally with lads ā€œfeeling sickā€ the whole time.

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And then they complain all day about the health service.

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Iā€™d say GP S are in some ways liking Covid 19 as it allows them to tell time waster lads PFO*

  • Presently Following On

Lot of lads venting here. Iā€™m ok with thatā€¦ these are tough times.

A few lads said some nasty things to me about my sore jaw but I didnā€™t rise to it. I know they donā€™t mean it

Itā€™s a tough time for everyone. Great to see you turning the other cheek.

I was disappointed in a few lads but you just knew theyā€™d be the first to lose it. Some lads canā€™t hack it.

Infection was in both cheeks mate but fantastic quip nonetheless

New profiler Jaw Boy


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Wishing you all the best, TB. I hope you feel right as rain in no time.

As an aside, Iā€™ve noticed that the garda lads (@Raylan) , the army lads (@Fagan_ODowd) the FCA lads (@TreatyStones) and the RIC lads (@TheUlteriorMotive) are all taking regular pot shots at you.

Iā€™m loathe to engage in victim blaming, but when youā€™re being attacked from all forum quarters then perhaps some introspection is required.



Cheers bro - Youā€™re right, If that claibre of cunt is having a pop iā€™m doing something very right.


cc @Fagan_ODowd


I got it Much younger @Tank and it hasnā€™t really effected me since. Iā€™m taking puri neothal for it. I nearly lost a kidney the same time. It rightly fucked me up. Thereā€™s loads of info available and itā€™s more common than you think. My doctors in the regional are excellent. Despite your awful comments about me and my family yesterday I wish you the very best and hope you are home soon ASAP. :pray: Simon Harris has it too.

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I only wish my great grandfather was alive to have seen Commissioner Harris press conference during the week.

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All the best to you and your hairy arms @Tank

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Sheā€™s been poisoning the olives

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If you want to get likes on this board you need to either cook a nice dinner or else get a life-threatening illness.


Stay away from the life threatening illness you cunt. Thatā€™s my market.