Feeling a bit sick

Thereā€™s lads on here who have the wife constantly pregnant just for the likes. Then a lockdown comes along and they cannot wait to get the kid back into a Creche. There is no liking that.


So the cunts fill me with hillbilly heroine every morning and then wonder why Iā€™m not in the mood for walking around the place :man_shrugging:

Stay strong Mike.

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Just saw this now, hope youā€™re doing OK mate. Hopefully itā€™s just IBS which can be nasty enough.

All joking aside @Tank, a very good friend of mine developed those exact same symptoms and was dead within a week.
(He was hit by a car)


Very important here. Did he develop the symptoms before or after the belt of the car. Think about it. Youā€™re holding a lads future in your hands depending on your answer

Not trying to make you cry pal. But lose a few stone.

Having a right good pop off someone that cuts them to the bone is another way to get a few handy Iron Mikes


Yeah but theyā€™re genuine good likes. Iā€™m an expert at the old second hand car salesman likes

Cmere bud the stats are the stats

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Yea but but but, Iā€™ve an awful guilty conscience

Which lad?

Lad not ball. So out with it

Gall stones or stone stones?

Stone stones pal. Gallstones and associated issues closely aligned to being overweight.


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Youā€™re off your tits anyways you jammy bastard

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Iā€™m like Karlā€™s Froch.

Washed up?