Feeling a bit sick

A little loose but could shrink in the wash

The tomb is empty. It’s an Easter miracle.


You home kid?

Not only do you have the old life threatening illness in common with @iron_mike, you also have a TV that needs wall mounting!

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Yes, the blood tests came back unexpectedly good so they sent me home with antibiotics


So there was fuck all wrong with you. Is that what you’re saying?


Another drama queen like @Thomas_Brady


Now kid
Tell me where in the room I’m going to mount that telly


This deserves an explanation. I got the apartment in June and wanted to mount a flatscreen tv there. Before I could my parents got me this tv as a housewarming present and it’s not made for mounting. Since then I’ve been decorating the apartment gradually but I’ll have to do something about that tv.

Thats a dangerous looking situation with the tv lad. Put a couple of screws in the wall and tie it back with a few cable ties.I hope theres no kids in that house

It’s not the only thing that deserves an explanation


It’s a disaster waiting to unfold. Propped up on top of a cookery book, a coffee table book of Magritte paintings and a cheeky chappy of a Christmas snowman only mad to heave it onto the floor. It’s obscene looking at it.

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Honest to God, the fellas here who have the time to sit down watching TV all day long make me feel a bit sick, how the fuck do ye do it?

They have real jobs and some downtime, they’re not following a vocation of trying to be Superdad all day every day.


That’s Stella, the Christmas snowlady. My housemate likes her so we leave her up.

Are you still tapping her?

Woke up with a savage migraine this morning. Head bouncing and very nauseous.

Feels like I drank 20 pints last night.

Put the phone away mate. Close the curtains and ride it out

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I had a few hours kip there so I’m up and chancing some semolina. I’m meant to be helping pappa lay a patio today so the fresh air might help me later.

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