Feeling a bit sick




One or two bottles are ok to quench a thirst or take the edge off a hangover .

Anything more is nuts

Best wishes @Copper_pipe

Thatchers Katie is a nice cider to have in the summer months with a few cubes of ice but anymore that two in a sitting is insane.

Magners/Bulmers is absolute poison.

Awful shite but that Orchard Thieves is the fucking pits . Syrup

Properly dizzy all day. No headache or anything. Felt nauseous and had a small bit of vomit but nothing major. But still the dizziness is persisting. Can hardly walk up or down the stairs

If youā€™re femaleā€¦

You need to go to the doctors

This may surprise many on the forum but Iā€™m actually a (cis) male

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Were you in Galway last night, by any chance?

Doctor or Caredoc pal.

I would guess anxiety could be a factor but donā€™t take the chance. Sleep issues too?

My sister had very similar symptoms in March and tested positive. Can you still smell your farts?

No. Iā€™m a terrible sleeper in general but slept fine last night.

Iā€™ll go tomorrow if I havenā€™t improved

I can

You should be ok so

Can you feel them dripping down your leg?


Looks like I may win the sweepstakes yet cc @Copper_pipe. Surprised it was the Germans what got him rather than the Italian rugger fans.

How do you know you can hardly walk down stairs unless youā€™ve already successfully walked up them, or the other way about?

Are you over this yet CP?

Yeah I feel grand now again.

Havenā€™t had a can of cider in over a month which helps too I guess :grimacing:

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