Feeling a bit sick

Sign in @Batigol

Doctor has confirmed the dizzy feeling I have is dizziness


Youā€™re on the Serc so?

Thatā€™s a relief.

Yeah gave me serc. Did a few balance tests and took the blood pressure and they were both fine. Sending me for a blood test next Wednesday.

Asked me if I wanted a COVID test but I explained that I didnā€™t want to be a puppet in Glynn and Nolanā€™s evil schemes. She understood my point of view there


Balance tests are only a cod

You refused a COVID19 test?

Thereā€™s lads on here that want them & canā€™t get one ffs.

MeniĆØres disorder.

She said there was no point. And Iā€™m not exactly able to drive or walk too far.

Plus if I tested positive Iā€™d have proven @PhattPike right.

This is very unpleasant guys.

The dizziness? Donā€™t be such a pushover

itā€™s no good telling us. Get thee to a medical professional

Sheā€™ll hunt me if I go again today.

Iā€™m sure the medication will kick in soon but itā€™s a right prick of a dose

the doctor wonā€™t hunt you. If symptoms persist the only thing you can do is go back.

Take no chances with your health lad

I fairness to her she told me itā€™d take a few days

did she give you a diagnosis?

For what to kick in? What did she assume you had?

Gave me serc. Said it was just dizziness so I assume that means vertigo.

Did she think anxiety was an issue?

No. She didnā€™t mention it anyway.