Feeling a bit sick

Appears to be the leading symptom, mind yourself pal.

Youā€™ve been carrying Ireland on your shoulders for months fella. What man wouldnt feel the strain?


Did she recommend increasing or decreasing your daily dosage of 6 cans of Monster per day?

Day 4 and at long last the room isnā€™t spinning quite so fast. Iā€™m still dizzy as hell but at least I can get up out of bed and do a few things.

Straight to the shop to catch up on my Monster cc @PhattPike

Iā€™d say you are running dangerously low on vitamin B12 right now.

Have you tried the Epley Manoeuvre? Itā€™s easy enough do and may give you relief. Worth a try.

Have you tried moving to a different room?


Never heard much about B12 but Magnesium deficiency can also cause it. In some people alcohol can flush the magnesium out of the body. So that could be the answer although it didnā€™t seem to work for me.

Iā€™d take your doctors advice and see does it pass. Might be just a bit rundown from the shift work. Sheā€™ll probably line you up for an MRI if and when you go back.

that sounds absolutely horrific. Get well soon

I shall be going back tomorrow. Apparently this can last for a few weeks. Still too dizzy to really function.

If I had tested positive for COVID I could have gotten on the news

Could you work the carousel?


He could work it, but watching a suitcase go round and round and round could cause him real problems.

This has been reconfirmed again today. This is some dose

I know youā€™re from Limerick but I donā€™t remember where.
Click on Vestibular Rehabilitation.
Probably similar experts in Dublin area.


Any covid test?

Are you crazy, canā€™t be sticking it to the man & be getting a test.

No. Iā€™ve none of the symptoms

Dizziness may be a symptom.

No itā€™s all pointing to vertigo. Just have to wait it out. Itā€™s a right (metaphorical) pain in the hole

Iā€™m sure youā€™re in good hands with your doctor. Mind yourself