Feeling a bit sick

Thatā€™s the badness coming out in you. Get well soon Mike.

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All good thanks. Arrangements being taken care of. Last saw him two weeks ago at his brotherā€™s monthā€™s mind. Both sudden.Still waiting on post mortem results but think it was the heart. Mrs Hunt arrived back from her uncles funeral Wed night and I told her not to pack away the black dress.


Maybe try social distancing and wearing a mask? Bound to be good for something?

Problems started after I took off the mask. Dentist insisted.


Worst hayfever in years, thought Iā€™d outgrown 6he bloody thing. My sinuses are having convulsions that only meditation can calmā€¦and people are whining about a bloody delta variant
I might start wearing a mask, even if it does make me look like one of those lockdown morons

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Raw throat, swollen tonsils and lack of energy. Fml.

Attended a wedding at the weekend; Iā€™m in the throes of depression since after making a pig of myself on Guinness and Jagerbombs. Fuck it these big sessions fuck me up for the week afterwards.


Signing in.

Tonsilitis :upside_down_face:


Still taking painkillers. Golf ball style swelling on side of jaw on Friday evening but itā€™s eased today but still sore. Anti biotics finished. 550 snots for the privilege. No pain before I went to the dentist.

Who is your dentist, Mike? Iā€™d like to avoid them like the plague.


My Mrs mentioned as much when I came home. He said he only found two canals in the last ten minutes and would take him another visit if 90 minutes to finish it. He blamed another dentist for fucking it up. I was in in bad shape all weekend.

You should be signing in again any minute now after that feed you had this morning.

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Not at all. Set me up for the day. The wife rang there to say she had a bit of roast beef for the dinner tonight

Iā€™d say she had a bit of beef last night as well

Roaster beef

just pull the tooth out

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Prescribed penicillin and Solpadeine. The Solpadeine is wicked stuff.

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Any lads who suffer from Hayfever - Telfast which was prescription is now OTC

I have developed it this year for the first time. Had two wicked doses of sinusitis for the first time as well to go with it too.

Must be a different pollen in Fingal

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