Feeling a bit sick

Is it a game changer?

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Itā€™s too early to say.

My older lad has it really bad. Heā€™s on a prescription anti hystamine

The doctor reckons most peoplle would benefit from taking an oTC anti hystamine during the summer


Hay fever or sinusitis

The horseflies got the better of me at the weekend. Hand is like a balloon this morning

Tune into their buzz and slow flying habit.

Nasal rinses. 2/3 times a day when itā€™s bad. Not a spray, they arenā€™t worth a shite. A good heap of saline water up on nostril and out the other. Youā€™ll be thanking me in your will.


The symptoms of hayfever


Theyā€™re the job alright.

Nose isnā€™t runny. Sinus issue Iā€™m afraid.

The clarity from these is off the charts. Not sure how lads would be going about without a rinsed nasal passage.

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Iā€™m as sick as a small hospital.
Is there a bug going round Limerick? Couldnā€™t tell ye where I got it. Iā€™ve barely been outside the door. Came on me fierce fast. Couldnā€™t even watch the match.

Thereā€™s a something going around alright. Saw a bit in the papers around it recently


Had the Johnny Glynn Covid yesterday. Hit the cot yesterday evening, put on a t-shirt, hoodie, wrapped a blanket and duvet around myself. Couldnā€™t get to sleep with the shivers, just about managed to get up to take a couple of panadol, fell asleep and sweated it out. Grand this morning.


Iā€™m feeling a bit sick


Same here. Two nights drinking with around five shots on top of the beers last night. Iā€™m going to sign back into the sobriety thread.


Upgraded to: fucked

Coming out both ends.

Ryder Cup weekend on the couch, how bad

Ye have championship this weekend? :confounded:

County quarter on Sunday.
Hoping itā€™s a 24 hour type thing.