Feeling a bit sick

Get the gripe water down ya

Same here - baby bunged up too but fucked if Iā€™m declaring it on my return to office form for Monday


Yeā€™ve got Covid.

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Can you fake a positive Covid test and get the game delayed for two weeks?

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That was a really rough night. Hopefully over the worst of it now.


Iā€™ve heard a few people say thereā€™s an auld bug going around.


Youā€™ll have to isolate for 10 days

There is.Its like a medium head cold.

Get the dioralyte into you and bananas

Have you any psyllium husk from 3 years ago at the back of the press. Itā€™ll do wonders too

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I had a bad owl dose last week. Wasnā€™t Covid.


Can the mods post up a Venn diagram of lads posting on the Irish Breakfast thread and then reporting being ill.

It may be too early to jump to conclusions but we should start.


Ruh-Ruhā€¦The feckinā€™ eggsā€¦ Grrrrā€¦

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Same here. I plugged away though.

My missus got the same dose this week and spent the week in bed in a switcheroo Mrs @Bandage would have been proud of

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Thereā€™s a hape of doses going round in the black North, they were even talking about it in the wireless. The kids have both had two bouts of bad head colds and mild covidy symptoms since going back to school. Apparently a&e and test centres are bunged up with children who are just bunged up, their parents having being subject to relentless gaslighting. The usual suspects are wringing their hands in horror.
Itā€™s murder trying to get them (my kids) to practice the piano and tidy their rooms. Long covid maybe


Daughter had it Wednesday night. Floored everyone else in the house yesterday evening /last night.

Bastard children are spreading that left, right & centre.

I got the loose rear door but thankfully that was all.

I had to make some very very big calls last night on which way to face when going to the bathroom.


I had a major event on the jacks Thursday eveningā€¦. Cramps all day yesterday but feeling a good bit better today thank god.

Jesus Iā€™m in a bad way with a dose of a cold here