Feeling a bit sick

@KinvarasPassion im fucking lambasting the sudafed into me here and im on my third neilmed of the day.
Im so wired from the coffee and sudafeds that im behaving in an even more irrational than usual manner, i could be due a dose of prednisone id say but that would completely push me over the edge id imagine

i had desperate shivers and a cough there after training on Tuesday night but it seems to have passed now, might try and head to the gym later for 25 mins on the threadmill if i have energy and try and run this out

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Have you a lake or the sea or even a barrel of water you could immerse yourself into?

A 5 minute dip in sub 13 degree C water would really activate the brown fat cells and trigger all lines of defence.

I donā€™t miss those neilmeds and watching the lumps of starkling green gunk swirling into the deathly white porcelain hand basin.

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ive had sinus surgeries in 2004/2006/2010 x2 and 2015- i could be due another one
ive been getting x4 omalizumab shots every two weeks now since 2017 and that is really helping , my IgE levels are off the scale and this acts as an inhibitorā€¦ it dosent of course treat the root cause which as in your case was dairy

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i might take a spin to Clogherhead tomorrow based on that advice, would you advise against jumping into the Boyne off a bridge?

Broā€¦ Elderberry is what you need. Great for sinus and all that lark. Get it in drink form.

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I havenā€™t a clue what all that quasi-medical jargon stands for but it would appear to me that youā€™re what weā€™d term a delicate crĆ”tĆŗr.
Were you always like that or have these ailments crept up on you lately?
Itā€™s something youā€™re either atinā€™ or possibly not atinā€™. Porridge and whiskey daily in Winter is a great defence to all these little niggles.


Waste of time that Sudafed

Get this shit up the nostrilsā€¦.

thatā€™s very expensive tho and the Neilmed is the same thing, you just make it up yourself and you can buy it in industrial quantities- youā€™d be thru a bottle of sterimar in a couple of days.
@anon67715551 's analysis is pretty much spot on, I am also prone to premature ejaculation cc @Thomas_Brady so these autoimmune issues that reside in my system are probably a manifestation of an unresolved psychological issue that is progressive over time. my penis is avergae to medium sized, in the 95th %tile


5 squirts a day & one medium sized spliff works for me :man_shrugging:

And what about the sinus, what do you do for that?


Thumb up hole

time for a mature conversation about menā€™s heath.
We delved into this topic before, thankfully Iā€™m an early riser but my stamina can at times be suspect so im ok with this oneā€¦ do any of ye or any of yere pals suffer from erectile dysfunction?. im thinking @Thomas_Brady here may fall into that category
Iā€™m assuming once we hit 40 it is something that will be a feature of our lives at times, I know a couple who are creaking over it, but for various reasons they arenā€™t doing anything about itā€¦
it must be ferociously demoralisingā€¦any of ye have this issue? once that worry is in your head , id say its very difficult to perform when needed, youā€™d be getting stressed out over it


Shur arenā€™t there plenty of drugs out there to fix that these days

Sheā€™s already talking about baby no.3 ā€¦ Iā€™d welcome it with open arms.

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I have a problem where I canā€™t get rid if it.

Bit of a tickly throat and my calves are tight but Iā€™m in work like the hero I am.

That bad a yoke you canā€™t even give it away??!

always remember even when you arenā€™t 100% that we have a stellar vaccination rate, the envy of Europe and we should all be very proud of that as we traipse around head down with masks pulled over our gobs

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Iā€™m gone!
Sore throat, cough, headache, pain when I breath, nose like a fountain, the works.
I had it all last week but took a turn for the worst yesterday evening after spending time out clearing the garden.

Iā€™m vaccinated and have had the flu jab also. All I can do now is get tested and then go to the doctor if clear. Might be ok by the time all that happen. But sure if I am, then that will be a good thing.