Feeling a bit sick

Mind me asking, if you had all those symptoms for a week, why did you wait til now to get a test? The advice is if you have any of the symptoms get a test. No judgement, just curious.

It was liveable last week, just a bit of a cough and sore throat. I was sleeping a lot. Took a turn for the worst yesterday evening.

They say that the difference between a cold and a flu is if there was a ā‚¬20 blowing around the front garden, youā€™d go out an get it if you just had a cold. Youā€™d leave it if you had a flu. Well, Iā€™m nearly at that stage now.

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Ok. But you had covid symptoms, why not get a test as per the advice? Again not having a go at you just curious.

I had a bit of a cough two weeks ago so stayed home from work. Did two antigen tests (this is not the advice) and they were negative, I was grand the next day and after so figure I was clear.

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it seems impossible to get an appointment for a PCR test at the moment, anytime i check the website there are no spaces

Thatā€™s twice now youā€™ve had a go at him by ā€œnot having a goā€


I havenā€™t had a go at him, I was just curious as to why, you shit stirring auld bollox.

Been that way since this morning, I imagine its a system problem. Iā€™d advise you just turn up and explain that and see how you get on.

A real ā€œIā€™m not calling you a simpleton, but that a very simple thing to sayā€ kinda post.

like that yesterday too

Definitely turn up.

The primary schools are riddled with it by all accounts

Im fine its for a family member, whats the value of doing a PCR if an anti gen says you have it & you isolate for 2 weeks?

that question is for @padjo too

Probably none really other than confirmation of what you suspect.

Aye, schools are in the toilet currently. Hard to know what to do. Can see them closing early.

Ah, thatā€™s a fair enough question @Fagan_ODowd. Iā€™m barely able to hold the head up here at the keyboard and the Lemsips Iā€™m drinking are out of date, but theyā€™re all I have. So I was keeping my answers to the minimum.

The fact of the matter is that the wife had the same thing with her symptoms starting about a week before mine. Thereā€™s only the two of us home now so very little interaction with the public bar her going to work. They had the booster shot at her work place and a lot of them went out sick after it, with the above symptoms. She had to go to the doctor herself and had a test beforehand, which came back clear. The doctor said her chest was clear and sheā€™d just have to let it run itā€™s course.

So, Iā€™m booked in now for a test tomorrow in Shannon (no slots in Limerick) and weā€™ll take it from there.

If I stop posting for any reason, well it was nice knowing yeā€¦


hope ye are both well and are ok. Have ye anyone to get ye messages?

Sorry, yea, was just being a bit dramatic. Sheā€™s back up and running since last week.

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Iā€™d a rough few days of it there, not sure many of you would have pulled through tbh. No heat in the house eitherā€¦in my delirium I put it down to leaky guttering above the boiler house, I spent a shakey hour up a ladder trying to fix it, before mortality got the better of me and I had to take to the bed. The house was freezing but I was happy enough lying on the bathroom floor tiles during
the early hours of Monday morning. I was rightly by last night but very dehydratedā€¦covered in greasy clammy sweat, I think my piss was like snotā€¦ like during the summer I spent picking coffee beans in Guatemala, though that might have been someone else. Right as rain by this morning. The kids missed a day in school but the cattle had enough to do them.
Turns out the pump was gone on the boilerā€¦160 for some new fangled yoke with green lights. Hopefully thatā€™s me done with breakages and feeling a bit sick, for a while at least.


Itā€™ll be the ivermectin saved you, unfortunately, you useless fucker. But glad to hear youā€™re ok now.

I fired you a like out of sympathy. Iā€™m glad youā€™re back to middling at worst.
Going forward you need to alert us to your ailments at the outset.
Are you a cremation or standard burial man? Have you a will made?
These are things youā€™d need to be thinking about so you donā€™t leave a dirty mess after you.