Feeling a bit sick

Don’t listen to him, live a little

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@Gman, my daughter is due to be back to School Wednesday. If the rest of us are negative, on Wednesday, when can we go out again.

My parents were with her the day before she felt sick(last Saturday). When can they go back to normal?

Edit, we were told 5 days with 3 clear antigen tests

I don’t understand why antigens are being accepted for this fairly clear risk of covid ie you literally live in the same house as someone with the virus, but at the same time were being told they’re very unreliable 🤷🏻🤷🏻

The text said that after 5 days, if you arent feeling sick & have 3 negative anti-gens you can go back to normal unless you feel sick

ill double check now, we are on day 7 I think but another few days to be safe

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No that’s definitely it you’re right

they changed this process in the middle of our situation. I was initially told that with no symptoms and being vaccinated that I wasnt restricted in movements. We were told, and applied throughout, that the non vaccinated children had a 17 day restricted movement. I dont believe that changed. I’d say your parents are fine though, its not quite the same as living in a house the whole time with someone with it.

However based on our experience and that of other we know around, 5 days isnt near long enough to be restricted. I dont think you would be doing anything wrong by what the HSE say, but it certainly would be risking it and potentially having to make calls to close contacts if the worst happens.

As I was saying to you before, our timeline of illness after the first one was 7 days, 10 days, 14 days and 20 days. Didnt all just catch it in one go.


Will defo extend it

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Stay safe bro

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Some sort of head cold has taken place with me now.

Must not be Covid or I’d already be dead.

Hup. Finally passed

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When are you due?


25th. Obviously.


You’re missing a U and an N there in between them.


Are they selling cod antigen tests now?

Maybe. There giving these ones out for free though

So what’s it gonna be. Playdate or panto?

Twould be extremely irresponsible to go to either until I shrug off this mild respiratory illness

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Bit of a dry throat and my tongue is swollen now.

@glenshane where do I get the free antigen?

You must be nearly dead with this savage illness?

I’m probably going to forego the craft ales this evening. Damn this cruel virus.