Feeling a bit sick

Is that not reading negative?

Pharmacy…you’d want to be in early apparently


Ah fuck that.

Might as well go the PCR route.

its positive you thick mick, no wonder Holohan thinks ye are a load of apes


Oh dear

Did u get a positive test after the park bench incident?

South Derry is riddled. Pity but there you go.
Basically victims fall into 3 categories.

  1. Vaccinated

  2. Unvaccinated

  3. Bolstered.

  4. The lads with 2 jabs aren’t being spared. They seem to be hit hard enough

  5. The Unvaccinated …lad 1 has a very bad aches and pains but any chest issues/fever cleared up within a few days…pains and weakness lingering for over a week. Lad 1 sits on his arse all day and pays no heed to vitamin d levels

lad 2(glenshane) seems to be out the gap…a couple of days mild cough, joint pains, barely noticeable fever. Then just feeling manky and tired. Unlike lad 1 glenshane’s vitamin d levels are exemplary…bolstered by supplements, vitamin k2 and quercetin. Glenshane, like half the planet, has also taken ivermectin.

3 The boosted/boostered …zero fucks given. A bit of a light head was mentioned on one occasion

Watch the John Campbell video on k2 and d…or get your booster


glad to hear you faced covid down bro

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He got a back door delivery he wasn’t expecting.

There’s a right hoor of a cough doing the rounds.

PCR test came back positive there. Running a temp and a bit of a cough but not too bad. Poor Mrs Barnes is under the cosh though. 2 unvaccinated kids home from school needing entertaining and she is trying to teach online herself while keeping a steady flow of snacks and solpadene coming upstairs to me. I don’t know how she does it.


Woke up yesterday running a bit of a temperature, took a few paracetamol and had a negative antigen test… Felt not too bad but got worse as day went on and jumped into bed at 4pm…mother of gawd the sweating and coughing thathas been done… Sheets changed twice :grimacing:


Tough going chief. Hang in there.

You’re likely infected,
How I would differentiate between Covid and any other flu I have had is that my appetite was pretty much unaffected with Covid
Despite smell and taste currently gone I am able to eat nutritious foods which are helping me fight it and recover quicker

giraffe birth GIF

Possible POTY by Binky


You’ve had it before though haven’t you?

Maybe you’ve contracted the mythical flu


I have. I don’t think I have covid. Had negative antigen again this morning

I tend not to get sick v often but whenever I do it is tends to be a few days of raging temps… Ever since I was a kid I have a tendancy to run these high temps with not much other symptoms


I could be wrong, but aren’t antigen tests pretty much useless with the symptoms you have?

Isn’t the advice to get a PCR test if you’re feeling like that?

I haven’t a clue lad