Feeling a bit sick

I had the flu jab back in October so I might join ya on the antibiotics wagon.

Only going to get worse now as temperatures set to take a big dip from Wednesday . Cant be good for a body

This is proving a right stubborn cunt of a thing. Still coughing and spluttering everywhere

Get well soon.
We need you on the front lines.

Wifey has similar symptoms with 2 weeks now. Not Covid according to numerous antigen tests.

Doc told her a dirty chest infection in circulation and put her on Antibiotics, course finished now and symptoms whilst still there are not as bad.

Presume youā€™ve been to the GP?

There has been an update. Olympus has fallen. I have finally, FINALLY, gotten Covid


I was going to say you had symptoms of post Covid. But alasā€¦.

Get well soon, bud.

Iā€™d strongly advise as much rest & sleep as possible with it ( I didnā€™t do so ) & Iā€™m proper fucked since having it.

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Thanks buddy. I was sick enough for the first few days. Itā€™s the cough and runny nose thatā€™s lingering. And Iā€™m fairly fatigued. Iā€™ve also not gotten a booster so weā€™ll see if I regret that decision

Loads of sleep. I couldnā€™t with young kids wrecking the house & making noise.

Fuck Netflix etc, loads of rest if you can.

Shut I diagnosed you 2 weeks ago

Iā€™d like to provide an update that Iā€™m on the road to recovery. Slight cough but able to perform all professional duties. Also can confirm my attendance in various publican houses tonight post GUFC.


Whatā€™s the latest?

Sore nose and a cough. Feeling better but not quite back to normal

Im fucked lads. I was absoultely fine yesterday. Had Juhy Juniors football training. Finished seven. Went to collect the little lady from gymnastics and started to feel a bit shivery. By the time i got home i was hanging. Had to hit the bed with a hot water bottle. Aches everywhere, zero energy, pumping sweat. Middle of the night the cough came too. Have barely left the bed today. Negative antigen

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Have you had sex with any African prostitutes in the last 5 years ?




Bad dose going. Iā€™d still do an Antigen in the morning. Iā€™d same symptoms the day before my positive test. :man_shrugging:

On top of covid apparently thereā€™s a desperate flu on the go.


Me neither.

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Thatā€™s the Covid. Know a few people with those exact symptoms. Mother has had a bad dose the last week. Raging fever and aching bones. Over the worst now but was feverish for 4 nights