Feeling a bit sick

V little processā€¦ Roll d mat on d bed. Lie on d mat. Change your life

Iā€™m looking forward to @gilgamboa organising a TFK sleepover soon. We can all bring our mats and browse the forum together.


Who is going to bring the biscuits


Nobody in their right minds brings biscuits to Rugby manā€™s houseā€¦ā€¦ unless


MGO of 30ā€¦THIRTYā€¦sure youā€™d be as well off sticking it up your hole

An MGO of 30 is laughable. He may as well be taking spoonfuls of Club Lemon.


Fellas. Do your own research.


Trial run.

So far, so good.

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I do. I went as far as getting stung by one recently. My research is thisā€¦ my cousins fella is a bee farmer. He says tis like a lot of things. Ye pay for what you get, ta a point. Thereā€™s fellas down the roads but theyre feeding the bees on sugar syrup and shit like that. Then thereā€™s some with real pride doing the right thing doing it great. Then theres wankers the other side of the world have lied themselves ahead of you on quality and theres not much you can do about it but make sure youā€™re organic/artisan or whatever you can do.
Donā€™t NZ export a lot more Manuka honey than the create every year @glenshane ?

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What Irish honey would you recommend?

They do a bee keeping course in Mountjoy.

Itā€™s had limited success as a lot of the inmates canā€™t be around a bee without breaking into hives.


I know you didnā€™t ask me
But, Tiermoyle beekeeping outside Nenagh sell a range of honeys in the Limerick market, my missus is a bit of a hippy and sheā€™s super impressed with these guys, theyā€™re going about it the right way and the honey is outstanding I believe (I donā€™t like honey)


You donā€™t like honey? Thatā€™s a quare oneā€¦ I should add to @glenshane , Iā€™m looking for health benefits rather than something to whack on my porridge. But Iā€™ll check them out, thanks.

Bird flu is the new thing round here

I wouldnā€™t over think it. If it looks like a large commercial operation id pass. Supermarkets want a consistent product that isnā€™t going to spoil, crystalise etcā€¦this means their honey is almost certainly pasteurised, and heavily filtered to remove what they call impurities and you call enzymes, pollen, live bacteria etc. Id say the manuka honey is bound to be pasteurisedā€¦
Your local beekeeper isnā€™t going to bother with this, every batch or jar will be a little different depending on the season, hive or location. If its a little cloudy all the better.
Which is best? Any raw/unpasteurised honey will be fine. Iteland doesnā€™t do monofloral honeys, where all the bees are harvesting from a single source. In spring and summer bees will be on every tree, garden and hedge available- all the better for it. The exceptions are rapeseed, heather and ivy. The latter are traditionally believed to have more health benefits- possibly because bees often winter on them- but i think this is because theyā€™re the last nectar flows of the season and bees go mad taking it inā€¦thereā€™s almost nothing else available, hence we can call them monofloral. Theyā€™re also very difficult to work with- crystallising in the comb within a day or two. Some people say theyā€™re a little bitterā€¦im sure that helps to perceive benefits.
This is a list of bee suppliers- some of them will also sell honey, be in local clubs etc. Or just contact your local association.

@Juhniallio ā€¦apparently so. Manuka is a triumph of marketing. The time was when they couldnā€™t give it away-it was fed to livestock.
Incidentally honeybees arent native to new zealand (or north america for that matter). In 1839 some english woman headed there on a steamboat, with a couple of skelps/hives. That got them started. Her name was mary. bumby


My wife and two sons are sick last few days. Sort of flu-ey symptoms.* negative antigens carried out to my low level scoffing.

Olympus (me) has still not fallen.

  • as a person who survived the flu once (Iā€™ve mentioned this before ) itā€™s not the flu
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Youā€™re scoffing at your sick wife and kids?

Iā€™m scoffing at taking antigen tests and staying home from school. Low level scoffing but a man has to stay true to himself.

Sign in @Batigol & @Juhniallio
Updates broā€™s?

Also, @Bandage hows the young fella?

Id a fight with a doctor yesterday who wanted to send me to a and e. Im to sick for a and e. Its not covid. Which means i let and infection of some sort get a 5 day head start on me. Im fucked. And ive a heap of work to be done