Feeling a bit sick

Nobody in particular,
I’m on good health, I don’t worry about picking up minor viruses etc, no rush to be vaccinated for anything but respect others are different

If you’re under 50 I’d argue you should be letting your immune system do its thing… A bit of sickness is good for you. Unless of course you suffer from other ailments / conditions.

I got two jabs like yourself but haven’t had one in near 3 year. I’m sorry i ever did but i was lied to at the time and went along with it.


Is he a Jehovah’s Witness going door to door?

How does that narrative look now? Would you say you were lied to?

I didn’t give it a seconds thought and wouldn’t either in the future if that level of concern existed, Twas only a small needle

You should try to move on

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Go back to zero, take a pill and get well
Born to raise hell, born to raise hell

Get sick get well hang around a ink well.

Roses are red, violets are blue
I don’t get the context above, so here’s a picture of Apu



I was just asking how that narrative looks now- you dont think it’s important to question how children and nurses were pressured into taking something which has since been shown to be ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.

The vaccine saved the world & stopped hundreds of thousands of people from dying from Covid, you mad man. What was once a death sentence for 80-year olds became an irritating sniffle while watching Countdown. Thank you to science & progress.

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100% and anybody in disagreement with that statement is being totally self centered.
It sickens me sometimes to read these anti vaxers spiels.Pure selfishness.Youre fit and healthy.Think about others not so fortunate.

The last thing I wanted to do was have that shite pumped into me but id rather do that than pass on that cunt of a thing to some auld lad or wan and have them on RIP.ie.

Generation me indeed.

Not just 80 year olds…the frail, people with severely weakened immune systems etc.
But forcing it on everyone else, emotionally blackmailing teenagers, discriminatory practices…all based on the lie that it prevented transmission and would lower deaths in a healthy population? You’re some cretin if you think thats progress.

You’re congratulating yourself for buying into s lie that has since been exposed…maybe tone done the sneering?

I’m delighted for you mate, be well. Happy Christmas.

Are you still taking the ivermectin pal?


Im far from congratulating myself.A total shitshow is what the whole thing was.
I took medical advice at the time to protect other people not me and have no regrets over it.

Why are you so aggressive? The injection offered protection to some, while being dangerous and unnecessary to others. That was clear from the start

Are you annoyed about being lied to, or are you just a passive obedient sort of fella?

There’s no need to be so defensive. I’m only asking a question? You were a big proponent of the ivermectin I’m just wondering if you are still taking it?

Why would i still take it? Ive had covid, ivermectin has shown to be a useful treatment in some trials, others not so much. It’s already known to have anti inflammatory properties and can lessen the severity of asthma attacks…why would you be shocked if it proved to be useful for covid. I suppose you’re also dismissing vitamin d?
And if nothing else ivermectin hasn’t killed anyone. You can’t say that for the mrna injection