Feeling a bit sick


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Thatā€™s grand bucko. Just checking.

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I bow down to no one.Ill also take medical advice over Internet cranks thanks.

Thatā€™s fuckin insanity.Sheā€™d remind you of one of those Japanese soldiers they found in the jungle 20 years after the war ended who still think itā€™s going on

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What in the name of fuck

You lads felt you had to take an effective vaccine in order to protect oul lads who had already taken the effective vaccine? And then some of us pushed the same lunacy onto childrenā€¦
Maybe you could explain the logic?


Signing in, man flu is no joke


Get well soon pal. Genuinely is awful

Neuralgia. Itā€™s a pain in the face :confused:


Is thzt the same as fibro mialgia? Know a lad that suffered with it. Suffer is the word for it. No relief he said.

Itā€™s in my gums. Nerve pain. Throbbing along my jaw and cheek bone. Had an extraction Tues which triggered it. On a cocktail of Solphodine, ibuprofen and paracetamol to ease the throbbing. Itā€™s in my ear now. Cunt of a dose.
Have a friend with the condition you mentioned. Itā€™s bad. Fuck all can be done with it either I think.


I donā€™t think iā€™d cope with either. A big Jessie when it comes to pain. No medicinal treatment for the fibro.

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CBD oil might help for chronic pain. Certainly when it comes to a nights sleep.


Vicious stomach bug in the house. Lasting days instead of 24 hours. I think I might be coming down with it now.


Yeah my young lad and nephew have been laid low by it.Another few in the school have it too.One young fella got tested and apparently itā€™s from whatever bug is in the water that we canā€™t drink.

Still not right and I donā€™t seem to have got it half as bad as the children. Poor daughter got very sick on Sunday and was still getting sick this morning. Young lad had a slightly less time frame. Iā€™ve never seen a stomach bug this severe. I have barely eaten anything since Sunday evening.

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Thereā€™s some amount of bugs, viruses going around at moment and they all seem to be taking longer to shake .

I had a bug before Christmas that had me puking. I hadnā€™t puked since I was a kid.

Some nasty shit doing the rounds. Headache, aching bones and lethargic. Going to take some rest today.

My youngest was sick for a full week with the same thing.All the nieces/nephews have got it too.

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