Ferdinand, Noble, Nolan and O'Hara


Cunny agrees with me.

If those lads declare for us then they are the football equivalent of Mary Lou McDonald.

Make themselves available for another country/party when another country/party refuses to select them and claim allegiance.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]If those lads declare for us then they are the football equivalent of Mary Lou McDonald.

Make themselves available for another country/party when another country/party refuses to select them and claim allegiance.[/QUOTE]

Mary Lou became disllusioned with the centre right policies & corruption of FF

Its a scenario Ive put up here before and takes a bit of imagination to work it out.

Imagine 20 years from now. Ireland have a decent quality LOI and players capabale of playing for Ireland at international level are playing in the league.

Ragball Rovers out in Tallaght have a player - Jerzy Dempsey. Born and bred in Dublin, same as his parents. He is a hardcore Dub and goes to Croker to snort coke on the Hill with the rest of his mates. This boy is good and has been tipped for the top since the age of 12. Suddenly at 17 Jerzy decides to declare for Poland. Suddenly the hopes an dreams of watching this lad play for Ireland are crushed. You think for a second that lad wouldnt get unimaginable abuse all around the country?

James Connolly hardly considered himself Irish either NCC.

And then declared for the party of Donaldson and a range of other scumbags all on the take in some way or other.:mad:

When did she take to the pies or was she always a slobby minger?

[quote=“KIB man”]

Imagine 20 years from now. Ireland have a decent quality LOI and players capabale of playing for Ireland at international level are playing in the league.


Isn’t there already players in the league capable of playing for Ireland?

Anyway, what position is this lad?

[quote=“Thrawneen”]Isn’t there already players in the league capable of playing for Ireland?

Anyway, what position is this lad?[/QUOTE]

Jerzy Dempsey is currently in an embryonic state but is expected to be a striker of much repute.

I’ll email the FAI and alert them to his elgibility so. In 20 years time he can visit Don Givens in his retirement home so they can have a row and he can throw his lot in with Poland.

[quote=“KIB man”]You think for a second that lad wouldnt get unimaginable abuse all around the country?

From the same fellas that boo Rangers players who play against Ireland in Croker? Yes, most likely.

From the rest? Nah.



:wink: :smiley:

Some of the vehement “we don’t want these fuckers” crew will be over in the rugby thread in another while saying what an addition Mafi will be to the Irish squad when he qualifies

[quote=“Georgy Comerford”]:wink: :smiley:

Some of the vehement “we don’t want these fuckers” crew will be over in the rugby thread in another while saying what an addition Mafi will be to the Irish squad when he qualifies[/QUOTE]

will they?

where do you stand yourself?

[quote=“Georgy Comerford”]:wink: :smiley:

Some of the vehement “we don’t want these fuckers” crew will be over in the rugby thread in another while saying what an addition Mafi will be to the Irish squad when he qualifies[/QUOTE]

Mafi will have lived longer in Ireland than either of these fellas in question here.

Mafi also will never qualify to play for Ireland.

KIB Keown did want to play for Ireland and only didn’t because he didn’t get on with Jack Charlton.
In my view there is a big difference between players who weren’t born here but always want to play for us like McGeady and Kilbane and these lads. If they want to make themselves available fine but they have to want to represent us and have identity with Ireland

[quote=“larryduff”]KIB Keown did want to play for Ireland and only didn’t because he didn’t get on with Jack Charlton.
In my view there is a big difference between players who weren’t born here but always want to play for us like McGeady and Kilbane and these lads. If they want to make themselves available fine but they have to want to represent us and have identity with Ireland[/QUOTE]

When would Keown have come into contact with Charlton?

Don’t know but he said he wanted to play for Ireland and regarded himself as Irish in an interview with Irish Times about a year ago and the reason he didn’t was poor relationship with Charlton

Regarded himself as Irish but played for England :wink:

He was obviously talking horseshit.

[quote=“KIB man”]Regarded himself as Irish but played for England :wink:

He was obviously talking horseshit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah fair enough but I think he would have chosen us over them all things being even

All things were equal larry. He had a choice Ireland or England.