
Your posting history. I suggest you spend a few days reading it and picking out some of the best examples to back up my argument.

You are a bit like a white Don Lemon.

I’m not the one endlessly replying to someone who I think is crazy…

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That’s not an answer, pal - that like what right-wing conspiracy theorist nut jobs say when they can’t answer a question

I can’t imagine why you’d post the sort of reply one associates with a right-wing conspiracy theorist nut jobs

I’m left and conservative.


I’m (always) right and liberal.

like myself I suspect, a liberal conservative

I’m half Cheyenne, half Lakota and half Apache

Given your size I’d say you’re half Apache pizza alright



I would suspect we have completely contrasting social and economic viewpoints.

A Venn diagram to group posters into their social and economic standings would be very useful on here.

I’d be a conservative socialist whereas you’d be a liberal capitalist.

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If I may be so bold, I’d say you’re more of a conservative liberal than a liberal conservative, a Liberal Democrat rather than a Tory. The equivalent in the US is a moderate Democrat like myself.

Are you talking to Nembo?


what ever happened @Nembo_Kid? he was a great poster, I miss him


Sorry mate. I was meaning to address you.

I would liken myself to The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones.

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He didn’t wash his clothes either.

Reading the Shane Lowry thread :flushed:
@anon32894817 and @Breaking_my_balls - would ye not shake hands and move on lads?

I’ve no problem with the chap at all. Just felt someone needed to clip his wings and was glad to be of service to the forum.

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You were dismantled completely. All bluster about Lowry and it took me about 3 posts to have you seething and crying that it was very unfair to be discussing people’s private lives :pint: :smile:

But it is unfair to talk about people’s private lives? You made a complete tit out of yourself.

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I know it is. That was what I was teaching you, but your not a very bright chappy so you didn’t get the irony. You felt it was OK to discuss Lowry’s financial needs or lack of financial needs and I decided to start discussing your own. I can’t see the problem if you are willing to discuss others affairs :man_shrugging: