
Lowrys were in the paper. They were made public.

Lowry’s financial affairs were not in the paper. A mention of a friend’s bet was. Nobody spoke about Lowry’s finances only yourself. Makes no odds to me anyway what is in the paper. I wanted to discuss yours seeing as you were enjoying discussing someone else’s so much, and you didn’t like it. Not one single bit :smile:

Yes it was. You clearly didn’t read the article. For finishing last in this week’s tournament he gets 46k. You didn’t ask me about my finances or discuss them. You said I’d lost money from my father’s account on betting and coke which is not true. My dad has been I’ll and I don’t like people bringing up his finances. You didn’t hand out any e beating or anything of that sort. You made a complete tit out of yourself again.

I said it was from the farm account you were draining the funds and that bills and lads were going unpaid because of it. Sure there would have to be a knock on effect from the gambling, snorting and drinking in fairness. It isn’t a surprise, just sad really.

I made just shy of 3k yesterday. I’m doing fine. I don’t have any joint accounts. Leave my father out of it please.

Who is talking about your father? You’ve a bit of a weird obsession with him to be honest, you keep bringing him up.

Will you use the 3k to pay lads back that you’ve left short? Pay a few bills? Or will you snort most of it?

What bills? Who have I left short?

@carryharry and @anon78624367 showing signs of interest. especially if esteban grows a pair and meet harry for a fight

Feuds Feuds Feuds

@anon78624367 is the guy that defends posters who mock people that are I’ll in hospital

is he?

in that case @carryharry batter the cunt!


the slap head, coke head, hash head alliance is strong

i feel that as youre a dickhead, youll fit right into the head alliance

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Keep defending the lad that drove me insane. That mocked my dad while he was ill on his bed and you had a good a snigger about it. What comes around goes around.

maybe you shouldn’t have defended the posts mocking his daughter then

I recall you hoping that Apple would get his hole opened in prison for taking some Powder?

I didn’t I said he should leave over them.

You would remember that alright